Chapter Eight

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*Ivy's POV*


Standing in the livingroom thats all you could hear, everything was silent. No one was talking in the house, or for that matter making noise. I guess they were all to scared to, serves them right. Crimson had asked them why and they have yet to answer. all they have done is either look at the floor or there hands. They couldn't even look at me, there own mate! I took back control because Crimson couldn't handle the rejection anymore.

I was mad and hurt. They were ignoring me like I was nothing to them. My heart was breaking, no shattering into millions of pieces and they haven't even noticed. It took only one word, ONE and I was broken all over again. "Fine, I get it" the words whispered from my lips as I left the room. I didnt look back to see if they were following me or not. I held back my tears, I refuse to cry because of them.

I head down the hall to the alphas office and knock on the door.

"Come it Ivy," Ryan calls out from the other side of the door.

I opened the door saying "You wanted to see me?" He just nodded his head, as I walked in. I closed the door and headed to the chair infront of his desk.

"Yeah, well, you can start by telling me how the hell you shifted for starters and how the talk went with those boys. Oh and how your doing." He said calmly.

"Ok, well im not ok, I feel like the whole world is against me. Like I haven't suffered enough from my parents dying when I was young." Throwing my hands in the air in defeat.

Then stood up and started to pase the floor saying, "Then I find out a I have a brother thats ten years older than me, that he has disappeared AND needs my help. I dont even know where to start looking! Let alone how im supposed to help him!"

I stopped walking aeound in circles and wrapped my arms around me and continued "I find out my fate, about how im going to be the savior or destroyer of our kind. How do you deal with something like that?" Im holding back tears at this point, trying not to cry. I turn and sit on the couch and sighed deeply. "And that I have three mates. THREE!" I look up at ryan and Hold up three of my fingers. I look back to the floor and say, "Go figure, me getting so lucky to not only have one but three! And when I asked them 'why?' All they could do was look at the floor or there damn hands! They couldn't even look at me!" Yelling the last part and tears slowly one by one start to fall. Shaking my head, I took a deep breath and said "so to answer your question?" I looked Ryan back in the eyes and said "is no. I haven't been for over six years. I thought insead of killing myself and letting me be rid of the pain that fills my heart, id wait for my mate. I thought i was so lucky because I had three. That I would get more love to fill the holes in my heart, but not I got rejected by all three!" Looking back down at my hands. I continue, before he could say anything, "and to answer your first question, I shifted when I was twelve." I look Ryan straight in the eyes and said "I was the one who killed the last rouge before he could kill me. I was the one, who saw that damn rouge brake my fathers neck. I SAW ALL OF IT! I was the one that howled that day sending out the alert of the rouges." I put my head in my hands as tears came pooring out of my eyes more.

I hurd Ryan get up from his chair and sit next to me. He picked me up and put me in his lap, he wrapped his arms around me in a protective way and held me while I cried. He didnt say anything, he just held me while I cried.

After I calmed down I began to speak. "Ivy, I never sorry fate has been so cruel to you little one." he took a deep breath and said "ill help you find your brother ok? Just give me a week, ok let me see what I can come up with?" I just nodded my head knowing my voice would crack if I spoke. "And by the way those mates of yours are going to be leaving in the morning. Im sending them back to there own territory. No one and I mean NO ONE hurts my little one." I nodded my head and fell asleep because I was all cried out.

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