Chapter Fifty Two

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*Ivy's pov*

I started fighting the rogues off one at a time. I knew what he was doing, he was wearing me down, so he could kill me faster. I had killed two wolves by the time Hank and his pack joined the fight. Crimson and I sighed in relief when they showed up to help, but at the same point were angry because we didn't want anyone else to be killed.

Sprinkles and her mate were fighting, Hank and his pack too. More rogues jumped out, everyone was starting to get tired. I growled loudly in anger, it shook the ground and trees. I was pissed because the thought of lossing anyone.

We were getting out numbered four to one, we kept chanting 'protect the good, kill the bad.' It wasnt working, everyone was slowing down. Then I herd it, it sent chills down our spine, and put our fur on end.

Our mates were here, and they were pissed.

In that second of distraction Nick took his opening and tackled me to the ground. I shook him off and growled at him, then we began to circle each other. 'You were my mate!' He yelled in my head.

'I was NEVER yours!' I linked back.

He stopped and looked me in the eye and said 'reject those pathetic excuse you think are mates! And stand by my side where you belong!'

'You will never be my mate, and you will die here today. No matter how much I dont want you dead.' I said back.

'You cant kill me my mate, were connected......' was all he got out before I attacked him.

We bit, scratched, tore and faught hard. He had me pinned to the ground growling at me to submit to him. What was I going to do now, he had me pinned and I am already weak. I had no energy left, the only thing I could hope for now was someone to save me. But I knew, there was no hope for that. 'Kill me, because I will never submit to you or give up my mates.' I said to him closing my eyes and giving up.

He growled loudly in my face, but I still didnt submit. He bit into my left shoulder and I screamed out in pain. He shifted back and said with so much hate "I may not be able to kill you, so I marked you. Ha ha ha look at it like this mate, you will die slowly because your body wont know what to do. That is unless someone can kill me." He gave me an evil smirk then started to walk away.

"No, you will die here tonight!" I yelled out of breath as I stood to my feet. I stumbled a little, and took another breath. "No, were ending it now, unless your scared of being killed by a girl." I said with a smirk.

He turned around quickly and growled then launched towards me. I dodged him at the last second, but then was tackled to the ground. I dug my back paws down his belly ripping him open. He jumped off me and growled, I stood to my feet slowly. I bared my teeth, then attacked. We faught for control, but I was finally able to pin him to the ground. I growled loudly in his face, then took his neck in my mouth and bit down. He started to thrash around to get me off but I only held on tighter and harder.

His movements stopped when I heard his neck snap. After I released him I howled in victory, then collapsed to the ground. I was seeing spots and my head was dizzy. I had lost alot of blood, then there was a burning pain in my left shoulder which caused me to scream out. I knew what it was, it was his mark disappearing. I shifted back slowly which caused me to scream out in pain again.

My vision grew dark, and the last thing I saw were my mates running towards me quickly, and yelling my name. But I couldnt say anything because the darkness took over me, and pulled me into it sweet embrace.

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