ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ✍︎

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎

Laura was laughing at what Ryland and Rocky were saying as she was eating some of the food the Lynch's cooked for the barbecue.

"Ya'll are still arguing about that still." Laura says as she eats some ribs from what Shor cooked on the grill.

"Come on it was a long time ago, it's in the past." Rydel says as she laughs

"Just eat and enjoy this BBQ meal." Riker says.

"I'm finally here, what are we eating today." Ross says as he walks in noticing Laura.

"BBQ." Laura says as she wipes her mouth with her towel.

"Nice." Ross says and sits down.

Laura sits on Ross lap and talks to Rydel as he talks with Rocky about they're music.

"How is it dating each other." Rydel says and cleans her hands.

"It's good, Ross is an amazing boyfriend and I love him." Laura says as she washes the dishes and puts them in the dishwasher.

"You love Ross?" Rydel questions Laura.

"Yeah, but don't say anything." Laura points out to Rydel.


They were sitting in the living room watching a movie together as a family. Ross was laying his head on Laura's lap as she plays with his hair. The rest of the family were just all laying on top of each other.

"It's getting late and I'm pretty much half of us are sleepy and busy tomorrow." Stormie says and folds the blankets.

"Tonight was the best." Laura says and stretches.

"It was good to be back home." Ross says and pecks Laura neck before stretching.

"Just a lovely couple y'all two are." Rydel says

"You and Capron are more a lovely couple since your always the happiest person around your special loved ones." Laura says

"True but I just love my husband and my big happy family." Rydel says and hugs Laura.

"Me and Laura are gonna head out, we have to head to her house." Ross says as he holds Laura's hand tightly.

"It was a lovely meal Stormie." Laura says as she hugs Stormie.

"Thank you for having us mama." Ross says as he hugs his mom and walks out with Laura.

With Ross and Laura

"Family lunch was surprisingly very well." Ross says.

"It was the best, so did you complete everything." Laura says as she holds Ross hand.

"Yes my schedule is clear tomorrow so we can have time for ourselves without anyone bothering us." Ross says as he drives to her place.

"I'm so excited plus we should soon hang out with Raini and Calum soon, we still haven't told them were dating yet or even out in public." Laura says as she looks out the window.

"We will soon I just don't want any drama with, you know the fans and how our social media will be blowing up with notifications." Ross says as he pulls up to her driveway.

"I know I just want to tell our friends first then wait before saying it to the public." Laura says and she kissed his cheek.

They both get out of her car and made sure her care was locked. He grabbed her hand then unlocked her front door and walks in ready to head for bed, but Laura had to make sure her eye contacts were out so they wouldn't irritate her eyes and take off some of her makeup she put on today. She leaves her panties on and wears one of Ross's shirts then gets under the covers waiting for Ross to get in bed, she decided to scroll through social media and Ross was only in his boxers. He gets under the covers with her and she plugs her phone in then lays her head on his chest. They kissed each other then turned off the lamps and fell asleep tangled into the sheets.

𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1

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