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Chapter Nineteen |☕︎|

With Ross and Laura

Laura was sitting on Ross's lap as they enjoy coffee except Laura was drinking tea, since she doesn't like black coffee. Laura kissed Ross's forehead as they snuggle close to each other. Ross was smiling as his mom takes a picture of them close together.

"Y'all are so cute." Stormie says smiling at them.

"He's just the cutest person with his beard." Laura says kissing his cheek.

Ross smiles as he grabs the back of her neck and kissed her deeply.

"She's cute because she looks so small on my lap." Ross says pulling away and holds her closer.

"I can see the way y'all make each other happy." Rydel says sitting down next to her mom.

"Three months together going strong." Laura says holding Ross's hand.

"Very strong." Ross says looking at her.

"So? Any plans while we're here at the cabin?" Laura asks laying her head on Ross's shoulder.

"Probably later on going out to eat as a family." Stormie says holding her bunnies.

They nod and Raura snuggling closer to each other.

Later That Day |☕︎|

"This is so nice, being able to have a nice family dinner with my kid's and daughter-in-laws." Stormie says smiling at her children.

"Mom, me and Laura aren't in that stage yet in our relationship." Ross says looking at his mom.

"But you better propose to her later in the future." Mark says looking at his son.

"Don't worry it'll happen." Ross says wraps his arm around Laura's shoulder.

"When we've been together for about 3 to 4 years." Laura says kissing Ross's cheek.

"Y'all are the cutest couple ever." Stormie says hugging them both.

"Don't say that when Rydel is around." Mark jokes.

They all laugh at Mark's joke.

With Ross and Laura

They both were laying in bed cuddling with each other under the covers. Ross was playing with Laura's hair as they were laying down in their bed.

Ross was rubbing letters on Laura's back as she was stroking his chest as they just lay there in silence. Laura snuggles with him and smiled softly as she snuggles with her boyfriend.

"You know, this weekend away at the cabin was never a bad idea." Ross says kissing her forehead.

"It was good idea that your mom wanted to take a vacation." Laura says holding his hand.

"I know right, even though in Colorado it is so cold." Ross says looking at her.

"I'm not use to cold weather babe." Laura says looking up at him.

"I know baby, I was just teasing you." Ross says kissing her cheek.

"You ready to get up and make some hot coco." Laura says sitting up.

"I could use some hot coco with my girlfriend." Ross says sitting up with her.

"Sounds good." Laura says looking at him.

"Definitely good." Ross says kissing her on the lips.

Laura kisses him back and runs her fingers through his hair as he runs his fingers down her back.

"What did I just walk into?" Rydel asks herself as she walks into her brother's old bedroom.

"Wow, it feels like everyone is walking in on us." Laura says pulling away from her boyfriend's lips.

"Yes, apparently me and my girlfriend can't be alone with anyone interrupting us." Ross says putting his boxers under the covers and gets out of bed.

"Sorry, just wanted to ask questions." Rydel says looking at them two.

"Can you turn around, my girlfriend needs to change?" Ross asks his sister.

"What's so bad underneath there?" Rydel asks joking.

"Well? For starters she's naked underneath there for your information." Ross says grabbing his shirt and hands it to Laura.

"Oh, sorry." Rydel says turning around.

Laura puts her underwear back on and puts Ross shirt on then gets out of the bed.

"So what did you want from us?" Ross asked his sister.

"If y'all wanted hot chocolate." Rydel says smiling at them.

"We were about to make hot coco." Laura says stretching.

"Alright, we'll see you out there." Rydel says walking out the bedroom.

Laura and Ross follow her as everyone looks at the 'raura' couple. Laura walks into the kitchen and makes some hot coco for her and Ross.

Ross helps her out by getting some mugs for them as she gets the coffee maker going. Laura gets out some marshmallows for them. Ross pours some water in the coffee machine and hits the hot chocolate button.

"I'm so sleepy." Laura says resting her head on his chest.

"Well after this hot coco, we can take a nap before doing any plans for today." Ross says kissing her head.

"Can't wait." Laura says pouring the hot chocolate in their mugs and puts marshmallows in their coffee mugs.

Ross drinks his hot coco and grabs Laura hand as they both sit down and enjoy their hot coco. Laura sits on his lap as they enjoy their hot coco together.

Rydel smiles at her best friend and brother being together and his whole family is really happy they've been together for this long because usually Ross doesn't do commitment with another women.

After Ross and Laura finished their hot coco, they put their coffee mugs in the kitchen sink then head upstairs to get ready for bed. Ross decided to sleep early and head out around 9 or 11 o'clock in the morning to head back to Los Angeles's.

Laura gets under the covers to get ready to go to bed as Ross get everything ready for them to leave tomorrow. Ross takes off his shirt and gets under the covers with Laura, so they can cuddle with each other and she can stay warm.

Laura kisses Ross on the lips then snuggles with him. Ross kissed her back and holds her closer then turns off the lamp as they head to bed. Laura whispered 'I love you to him and he responds back 'I love you too' then they fell asleep.

End of Chapter 19

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