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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗...

Laura starts to get ready as she puts on her bikini outfit and starts to get ready. She grabs her sunscreen and lotion for a tanning spot at the beach with her boyfriend's beach house including with the Lynch gang, and also with his cousins, uncle, aunt, and their grandma.

"Ross, you got everything." Laura says as she packs up their bags.

"Yes, babe we got everything we need from here." Ross says as he grabs everything's from the bathroom.

"Just checking because I don't want us to forget anything." Laura says as she zips up their bags.

"We'll stop by the store over there if we do forget something." Ross says as he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Sounds good." Laura says as she turns around and kisses him deeply.

"We have about 3 hours before we go." Ross says as he strokes her back.

"You don't say." Laura says as she strokes his chest.

"We have more time to celebrate our alone time before we leave." Ross says as he picks her up.

"Let's see how long we can do it for." Laura says as she wraps her legs around his waist.

Ross runs off to the bedroom with Laura in his arms while she's giggling.

A Few Hours Later

Ross and Laura brought their luggage to the car and head towards the family beach house. Laura turns on the radio to keep them company since they will be coming a little later than the rest of his family.

"This is fun." Laura says as she holds Ross's hand.

"It is?" Ross asks.

"Yes, of course it's fun because I get to spend time with my lovely boyfriend and his family." Laura says as she kissed his hand.

"I'm glad to spend quality time with my beautiful girlfriend in the bedroom." Ross says as he smirks at her.

"We already spent quality time in our own bedroom for a few hours." Laura says as she smirks back at him.

"That's true, but this time we have to be more quiet at the beach house." Ross says as he strokes her thumb.

"Definitely." Laura says as she looks out the window.

They kept driving until the arrived at the beach house and parked the car. The couple grabbed their things and started to head inside with the rest of family was at.

"We're here." Ross says as he opens the front door.

"Glad y'all can make it." Rydel says as she hugs Laura with her baby bump.

"We are too." Laura says as she wraps her arm around Ross's waist.

They both drop their things off in the bedroom Stormie gave them and head downstairs outside with the rest of his family.

"Raura is here." Vanni says as she hugs Laura.

"Yeah we are." Laura says as she hugs her back.

"Took y'all long enough." Riker says as she hugs Laura too.

"Well we forgot some things and we had to get the things we were missing." Ross says as he bro hugs Riker.

"Pretty much." Laura says as she sits down in one of the beach chairs.

They all just enjoy talking to each other about what their plans for the whole summer at the beach house.

Laura and Ross are sitting on the couch cuddling on the couch as his whole family watch a movie.

"What do you think we should plan for our 3 month anniversary." Ross says as he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Go out of town maybe or just go on a date." Laura says as she strokes his hand.

"Maybe we'll head back early then plan a romantic trip for our anniversary date." Ross says as he leans down and pressed his lips against her lips.

"Love the idea, babe." Laura says as she kissed him back.

"Look at you two." Stormie says as she looks at her son and his girlfriend cuddling.

"Moment ruined." Ross says as he pulls away from Laura.

Laura nods and stands up.

"We're going up to bed, since I'm pretty sure we have some family plans in the morning." Laura says as she grabs Ross's hand.

"True." Rydel says as she gets up too and grabs Capron hand too.

"Alright, everyone off to bed." Stormie says as she folds the blankets they used.

Everyone went off to their bedroom and headed off to bed except for Laura and Ross.

With Ross and Laura

When Ross and Laura once walked into their bedroom, they started out in a heated makeout session then moved off to the bedroom.

"We shouldn't because of your parent's and siblings." Laura says as she plays with his hair.

"They heard us before." Ross says as he grabs a strand of her hair and put it behind her ear.

"Yeah I know and your parent's gave us a whole ass sex talk." Laura says as she strokes his cheek.

"True." Ross says as he kisses her cheek and rolls on his side.

Laura lays her head on his chest and Ross strokes her hair.

"Maybe if we did it quietly, they won't notice any noise from our room." Laura says against his chest.

"Oh really." Ross says as he lifts up her head.

"Yes, really." Laura says as she leans down and kissed him softly.

He responded to her kiss and turned them over.

"But I know I'll be quiet, but what about you honey." Ross says as he teases her.

"I can be quiet, when I want to." Laura says as she pushes him playfully.

He rolls them over so she's on top of him and Laura takes off her top. Laura leans down and kisses him deeply.

Ross slides his hand down her bare back and combs his fingers through her hair. Laura runs her fingers through his hair and keeps kissing him more.

He rolled them over again and now it was him on top of her now. He takes off his shirt now and throws it on the floor next to hers.

"Just remember to be quiet." Ross says as he teases her again.

"Shut up, Ross." Laura says as she giggles.

She trails her nails and strokes his back. Laura leans up and pressed her lips against his lips again. Ross kisses her more as they both threw their bottoms off.

"I love you." Laura says as she looks at him.

"I love you too." Ross says as they make love quietly.

End of Chapter 14

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