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Chapter Twenty-Two |☕︎|

With Ross and Laura

Ross starts to wake up and rubs his eyes as he leaves kisses on Laura's bare shoulders. She smiles as he does that and rubs her eyes a little.

"Good morning." Laura says mumbling to him.

"Morning baby, guess what today is?" Ross asked his girlfriend.

"It's our 4 year anniversary." Laura says wraps her arms around his body.

"Yes it is baby." Ross says giggling catching her in his arms.

"What are we gonna do today?" Laura asked her boyfriend.

"A fancy dinner for a very special girl." Ross says kissing her shoulder.

"You're so sweet baby." Laura says kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm so happy that 4 years together have been the happiest of my life." Ross says looking at her.

"I'm glad that your my boyfriend and my best friend." Laura says rubbing his cheek.

"You make me so happy." Ross says moving her hair behind her ear.

"I believe it's time to get up and get started on our special day." Laura says sitting up putting on her underwear and wearing his button up shirt.

"I believe so." Ross says putting on his boxers and headed out of the bedroom.

Laura heads downstairs and walks to the kitchen getting her and Ross's coffee ready, while Ross gets breakfast started. Laura sets up the table a little for a little romantic breakfast with her long time boyfriend.

"So? What do you want to do today until we go out tonight for our romantic dinner." Ross says putting their plates on the table.

"We can always take a walk or do something fancy in Los Angeles's." Laura says putting their coffee down on the table.

"That does sound like a good idea." Ross says sipping his coffee.

They both started to eat their breakfast and enjoy each other's company, before cleaning up their area and wash their dishes.

Ross called his mom to make sure everything was set for a surprise for his girlfriend. He wanted to keep everything quiet for Laura, so he didn't tell Rydel anything because he knows his sister.

"So ready for our dinner date." Ross says walking up the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm so excited for our 4 years of our relationship together." Laura says walking up after him.

They both walk in their closet and pick out their outfit for their dinner date to celebrate they're anniversary. Laura starts the shower and sets out everything for her to get dressed in.

They both take a shower together and after they are done showering with each other. Laura gets dressed in an outfit that Ross got for her, which she didn't mind that he got her a dress for they're anniversary dinner.

Ross got ready after drying off his hair and gets Laura to comb his hair for him. Laura puts on a little makeup and gets her gift ready for Ross. He gets all ready and waits for Laura to put on her heels then they started to head out to their secret location.

"So? Are you excited to celebrate 4 years together?" Ross asked her kissing her hand.

"Yeah, I'm very stoked about celebrating our 4 years together." Laura says holding his hand on her lap.

Ross drives them to the restuarant and texts his parents and family to make sure everything is set up. Laura gets out of the car and holds hands with her boyfriend together into the restaurant.

"It looks very romantic." Laura says smiling at the place.

"Well, it's all because of a special girl for making my life so much better." Ross says kissing her cheek and walks in.

They find their seats in the most romantic setting and Laura tears up a little. Ross smiles at her and pulls a chair out for her. Laura sits down and Ross takes a seat after her enjoying the setting her boyfriend did.

After they finished eating, Ross payed for their dinner then he took Laura to the beach where everything started out for them. Laura smiles at him as she brings them to the beach where they're relationship kind of begin. They decided to walks down the beach as Ross was a little nervous about what's gonna happen next because of the proposal he's about to pop.

Laura continues walking until she saw decorations spread out as she looks at Ross, who nods at her to walk towards over there.

"This is literally the sweetest thing that anyone has done for me." Laura says with teary eyes.

"Well, your pretty special girl to me, Laur and I would anything for you in a heartbeat." Ross says looking at her.

Laura smiled and continued walking when she was distracted by the rose's, Ross got down on his right knee holding out the engagement ring. Laura turns around at the perfect moment and she covered her mouth as she did.

"Laura Marie Marano, your the love of my life and the one person who makes me the happiest man ever. So, Laura will you marry me?" Ross asks her as he opens the ring box.

"No words describe how I feel right now, but yes I'll marry Ross Shor." Laura says crying and hugs him.

He hugs her back and kisses her on the lips then pulled away from her, slipping the ring on her finger.

"I love you so much." Laura says kisses him on the lips.

"I love you too baby." Ross says kisses her back.

"My hands can't stop shaking." Laura says wiping her eyes as she laughs.

"Don't remind me twice because mine are too, I was nervous about the whole planning it." Ross says holding her in his arms.

"This has been the best anniversary out of all the months we've been together." Laura says kisses his shoulder.

"Me too. Well Mrs. Soon-to-be Lynch, we should head out because we got a big day tomorrow for our engagement party." Ross says pulling Laura up with him.

They leave the beach and drive back home then headed to bed as they're exited of the engagement party tomorrow.

End of Chapter 22

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