Chap. 4 Jaiden
It turned out that nobody knew Harry Potter’s location. Jaiden said that he could find out by the next day. They all agreed to meet at Jaiden’s house the next morning. Calla and Audrey had to get a ride home from Jaiden’s mother. Their parents didn’t want them to come to a muggle home, and they sure weren’t going to go there themselves, but they agreed that if Jaiden’s mother, who was a witch, brought them home, it would be okay. When he got home, Jaiden decided that his mother was the person to ask about Harry Potter’s address. He and his friends agreed that his parents were the ones to get involved with their little adventure. Carina’s parents were both muggles and had no wizarding experience, and Calla and Audrey’s parents probably wouldn’t want anything to do with fighting the Dark Arts.
Jaiden Thomas Veerlander was the oldest child out of five. He had two younger sisters. Annie was eleven and about to attend Hogwarts for the first time. Lia was nine. And two brothers, Drew was ten. Sammy was five. His father was a muggle and his mother was a witch. She attended Hogwarts at the same time as the famous Harry Potter and was in Gryffindor as well. When Jaiden asked her about Harry Potter’s location, she said that all she knew was, he lived in Godrick’s Hollow. Close enough to an address. We can probably find our way.
The next morning, after breakfast, Calla, Carina, and Audrey came. They were all eager to find out where they would go first.
“We’re going to Godrick’s Hollow.” said Jaiden.
Jaiden’s mother came to the group ready to take them to Godrick’s Hollow.
“I hope you won’t be upset if Mr. Potter doesn’t want to have a part in your adventure. His fighting days have been over for a long time now. He may not want to get started again.”
When they arrived in Godrick’s Hollow, they didn’t have much trouble finding the Potters’ home. They saw Ginny Potter, Harry’s wife, outside in her garden.
“Hello Mrs. Potter.” said Audrey.
“Hello!” said Ginny cheerfully, “If you’re looking for my children, I’m afraid they aren’t here. They should be home soon.”
“Actually,” said Jaiden, “we were hoping to talk to Mr. Potter.”
“Oh! Well, he should be home shortly. He just accepted a position at Hogwarts. He will be your new defense against the dark arts professor! Can you believe it? Anyway, you’re welcome to wait here on the porch. Do you children want anything to drink?”
“No thanks.” said Jaiden. He was relieved. If Mr. Potter accepted a position as defense against the dark arts professor, then he might want to help them.
Soon, they saw Harry Potter. Ginny whispered something to him, probably telling him about the four children sitting on his porch, then disappeared into the house.
“Hello! What can I do for you?” he asked.
“Well,” Jaiden started, “we wanted to talk to you about what the newspaper said yesterday.”
“I knew somebody would come to ask me about that. I didn’t think it would be someone as young as you, but I knew this would come up. To clear things up, I haven’t felt anything here,” Mr. Potter said as he touched his lightning shaped scar, “but I do have a feeling something is going to happen. That’s why I accepted the defense position.”
Jaiden didn’t know how to explain about the army they wanted to create. Thankfully, Carina cut in.
“You started Dumbledore’s Army, right?” she asked.
“That is correct.”
“Well, we wanted to start something like that. We only want it just in case something does come up.”
There was a pause. Jaiden’s doubts came back to him. What if Harry Potter didn’t want to help them?
“Lucky for you, I am a teacher at Hogwarts. If I wasn’t, that would make this much more difficult. I would be honored to help. It’s been too long since I’ve been on an adventure.”
Everyone smiled. The legendary Harry Potter was going to help them defeat the dark arts! Who could ask for anything better?

Collide: Harry Potter 3rd(ish) Generation
FanficAudrey Carter, Carina Bernard, Calla Hale, and Jaiden Veerlander hear that the dark arts have returned. With the help from the experts (Harry and Ginny Potter, and Hermione and Ron Weasley) they attempt to stop it. There is one problem... there is a...