Chap. 18 Audrey
Carina began to move. Audrey quickly called Jaiden and Calla.
“Carina? Cari? You okay?”
“Yeah. Mrs. Weasley will be here any minute.”
“Wait. How do you know that?” asked Jaiden as Hermione Weasley walked through the door.
“Hello Carina, good to see you again!” she said. Audrey was really confused. How did Carina know that Mrs. Weasley was coming?
“Have you met before?” asked Calla.
“Uh, in a way.” said Cari.
“Yes, I’m actually here to see Harry... I mean Professor Potter. Could one of you take me to him?” said Mrs. Weasley.
“Sure.” Audrey replied, “I think he’s in his office.”
As Audrey lead Mrs. Weasley to Professor Potter’s office, questions lingered in her mind. How did Cari know that Mrs. Weasley was coming? What did she mean by ‘in a way’ when Calla asked if they had met? When they approached the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Mrs. Weasley turned to her.
“You may stay if you like.” she said, “We may answer some questions that you have.”
Hermione knocked on the door. Professor Potter opened it and welcomed them in. He asked them to sit and began talking about something called, “dream speaking.”
“Yes. Professor Lupin, Professor Snape, and, of course, Professor Dumbledore talked to her about it. I was the one who taught her how to do it. She’s the only one her age that can do it. I was pleasantly surprised how fast she learned.” said Hermione.
“Of course! She had a good teacher.” laughed Professor Potter.
“Wait.” said Audrey, “Who is ‘she’ and how did she talk to the professors and what was she taught?”
“You didn’t tell her friends?” asked Hermione.
“Um, no. I was getting to that.” Professor Potter replied, “To answer your questions, Audrey, the ‘she’ we are referring to is your friend Carina. You may have noticed that I didn’t give her a gift. That was because I wanted to give her something special.”
“Excuse me for asking, but why her?” asked Audrey.
“She needed something to boost her self-esteem. She’s kind of the outcast of your group. She’s the only muggle born and she’s not even from the same country as the rest of you. I also think that she’s the most qualified. You see, the task we’ve given her, dream speaking, requires high concentration. As high as what is needed for the patronus charm. Dream speaking allows you to see and speak to certain powerful wizards, sort of like a telephone call, if you will. It’s also something that was recently discovered. It would have proven useful to me during my time, but no one thought of it yet.”
“Oh, I see. What will she do with that power?”
Hermione smiled, “Many things. If you need help, she can ask the most powerful wizards on the planet. If she gets lost, someone can help her find her way. If she needs company, she doesn’t even need to leave her room.”
“Why would she need that if she has us?”
“If I’m right," said Hermione, “sometimes she prefers the company of people older than her to the company of those her own age.”
“Well, what about the rest of us? What do we get?”
“Well,” said Professor Potter, “I did already give you each a magical item. You can also use Carina as a tool. As I said earlier, each of you play a major role in this. Each one has something different to bring to the table.”
“Yes sir.”
“Where’s Ron? I thought he’d be here too.” said the professor.
“He’s visiting Ginny today. We thought she was probably lonely. You and the kids being away and all.” Hermione answered.
“You’re probably right.” said Professor Potter, “I should write her soon. Oh well.”
“Not to interrupt or anything, but what did you see when you watched us at the whomping willow?” asked Audrey.
"Not much. I did see Eric push Jaiden, but that was about all."
"So we're sure it was Eric that pushed Jaiden?" said Audrey."
"Fairly sure. I still don' t want to accuse anyone without hard evidence." said Hermione.
“What more do we need?” Audrey demanded, “We already know that Eric was the one behind all of the attacks!”
“But how do you know that, Audrey?” asked Professor Potter.
“I... I just know! Are you on his side too? Can’t you see? He’s trying to trap you all! He’s trying to bring everyone he can to HIS side.”
“Audrey, I think you need to rest. You’ve had a long day and you’re getting worked up. It’s my fault for letting you stay.” said Hermione.
“Fine. I still think he did it. I know I’m right. He has to be stopped.”

Collide: Harry Potter 3rd(ish) Generation
FanfictionAudrey Carter, Carina Bernard, Calla Hale, and Jaiden Veerlander hear that the dark arts have returned. With the help from the experts (Harry and Ginny Potter, and Hermione and Ron Weasley) they attempt to stop it. There is one problem... there is a...