Chapter 16 Calla

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Chap. 16 Calla

Calla was the next one to wake up. She saw Carina and Audrey, unconscious, but Jaiden was sitting up, playing with his wand.

    “What happened?” she asked.

    “I was attacked by the whomping willow, you guys tried to save me...” Jaiden began.

    “I know that!” Calla interrupted, “How did we get here?”

Jaiden retold the story about how Professor Potter brought them all to the hospital wing.

    “Oh. That makes sense.” said Calla, “Eric was being pretty loud out there.”

At that moment Audrey started to get up. She was beat up the worst out of all of them, her broken leg looked a lot worse and her broken arm was bent at an angle more awkward than they had ever seen.

    “How did we get here?”

Jaiden sighed and, once again, told the story.

    “When Rina wakes up, one of you are going to tell her what happened.” he said.

    “Where is Carina anyway?” asked Calla.

    “She’s still out of it. Looks like her head was hit pretty badly.” said Audrey.

    “She probably won’t come to for a few days.” interjected Mrs. Pomfrey, who was listening to their conversation, “I also want you all to be careful! As if I don’t already have a lot on my hands already!”

    Calla looked around and saw students, wearing their house colors, in the beds with brooms propped up next to them. She almost forgot about quidditch season. The tryouts were today. Poor Jaiden, she thought, really wanted to tryout again this year. At that moment, Professor Potter walked in.

    “It’s good to see you up and about.” he said, “Jaiden, I understand that you wanted to join the quidditch team.”

    “Yes.” said Jaiden.

    “You are a good player, are you not?”

    Jaiden hesitated, “I suppose so.”

    “Good.” said the professor, “I saved you a spot on the team.”

    Jaiden was in shock, “You... I...but... is that even legal?”

    “I pulled a few strings.” Professor Potter smiled, “The next practice is in a few minutes if you’re feeling up to it.”

    “Of course... wait. I can’t. Carina’s still...”

    “Go ahead Jaiden.” said Calla, “Audrey and I will take good care of her.”

    “You sure? I can stay. It wouldn’t hurt to miss one practice.”

“We’ll be fine.” said Calla.

“Hold on.” demanded Audrey, “I don’t like what you’re trying to say here.”

“On second thought, I think I’ll go to practice.” Jaiden said  quickly, as he rushed out the door.

Professor Potter laughed, “You know, Audrey, he’s scared of you.”

    “I know,” Audrey smirked, “and I hold it against him.”

    “Joking aside, you two, take good care of Miss Bernard. Each of you play a major role in the protection of this school. Losing one could severely damage your chance at winning.” said the Professor, as he followed Jaiden out the door.    

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