Chapter 17 Carina

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Chap. 17 Carina

Carina... Carina... said a strange voice, Carina! We don’t have much time! We have to talk to you.

    Don’t pester the girl! She’s having a rough time. Another voice interjected.

    I could have brewed something to fix it by now. Cari heard, again, another voice say.

    You know if you would have been able to do that, we wouldn’t have been able to talk to her. said the first voice.

    Finally, Carina woke up. She was sitting in her old house in Michigan. The leaves of the tall maple tree in front of her house already turned into a brilliant shade of scarlet and the fruit on the apple tree was beginning to ripen. How long have I been out? she thought.

    A day or two. said the second voice.

Carina looked around her living room and saw three men. She recognized them as Professor Lupin, Professor Dumbledore, and Professor Snape from her books.

    As I said Miss Bernard, we don’t have much time. said Professor Lupin.

    “Am I dead?” she asked.

    No. said Professor Dumbledore, just unconscious.

    “Oh. That’s good.” said Carina, relieved.

    Miss Bernard, do you know why Mr. Potter didn’t give you any magical items? asked Professor Snape.

    “No. Actually, I felt kinda bad when he didn’t.” Cari answered.

    He didn’t give you anything because I told him you didn’t need any. said Professor Dumbledore, You are the only one of your group of friends who can see us and talk to us. We thought this was the perfect time to see you for the first time, considering current events. Very nice house here, by the way.

    “Thank you, sir. Um, how? How can I talk to you?”

    Professor Lupin was the one to answer, You see, it’s sort of like a dream, except for the fact that you can control what you say and you are really talking to us. We chose you because you are the most responsible one of the group. We know that you can be trusted with secrets and that you will tell your friends everything they need to know. You can call on us, and we can call on you. If we call on you, you must find a place with no distractions. This kind to communication requires a lot of concentration. If you were to call on us, well, the easiest way is if you were to sleep. Soon, you will have had enough practice to talk to us without having to move to a different room, but that’s far from now.

    “Okay, can anyone hear me talking to you?”

    No, said Professor Snape, In truth, you are not talking, you are thinking. We can hear your thoughts, for example, when you were wondering how long you were unconscious. We could answer, obviously.

    You cannot talk to just anyone either. said Professor Dumbledore, Only certain powerful wizards have the ability to do this. Or certain dead powerful wizards. Ah! Here comes one now! A powerful wizard, but not a dead one. Good evening Miss Granger. I trust you found us alright.

    “Yes Professor.” said Hermione, “Did you forget? I’m not Miss Granger anymore. I’m Mrs. Weasley. Professor Lupin, Professor Snape. Wonderful to see you again!”

    A pleasure, as always Hermione, but I’m afraid we must go. I trust you can teach Miss Bernard about dream talking without us.

    “Of course. Have a safe journey.”

    Farewell Mrs. Weasley. Miss Bernard. Remember that you can call on us anytime you wish. said Professor Snape.

    “Thank you Professor.” said Carina.

    “Now, let’s begin before you wake up, shall we? Alright, this is quite simple, but only certain wizards can do it. I couldn’t even teach my daughter how. I hope you’ll prove right for the task. All you have to do is think of the person you want to call and keep your eyes closed. Why don’t you give it a try. Picture... my husband, Ron.”

    “Okay, got it.”

    “Good! Now keep your eyes closed and wait for the colored flashes to come up. Do you see them?

    “Yes. I can hear someone coming.”

    “Well done! Open your eyes now.”

Carina did and saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley standing before her.

    “Good with your first call!” complimented Mr. Weasley, “I should be going now. I’m visiting my sister. She’s quite lonely at home without the children and Harry. Good bye!”

    “Bye!” said Cari.

    Mrs. Weasley nodded, “In order to receive a call, you’ll see the lights flashing and hear someone calling your name. All you have to do is think, ‘I’m here’ and you’ll find yourself in a different room. Let’s give it a go.”

    “I’m here!” said Cari, and she found herself in the library with Mrs. Weasley.

    “Good! There are, of course, safety precautions. Never answer a call unless you know the person’s voice it can be dangerous to accept a call from a stranger.

“Okay. I won’t.”

“I think you’re waking up. Your image is fading. I’m headed to the school right now. I will see you in a moment.”

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