Chapter 9 Calla

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--authors note--

Hey everyone! Sorry we haven't written in a while. Well, here's five chapters and more to come soon. Sorry to keep you waiting.

-Maya, wpcawriters

Chap. 9 Calla

That afternoon, Calla snuck to Professor Ignis' office. Let's see what we have here. She thought as she looked through his never ending collection of books. There was one problem, she had no idea where to begin. She didn't know exactly what she was looking for or what her friends wanted her to find. She started at the top of the closest pile."What is this guy reading?" she muttered to herself when she saw the first book. Of course it wasn't the strangest title, but there were some books that she thought were actually useful. like how to fight a dark unicorn but the book she needed was nowhere to be seen. Until she accidentally slipped on a book and knocked over a pile. Books went everywhere, a book that fell on her head though was called, "The Dark Cults" Hmm... this sounds like it'll help. Ignis has hundreds of books , he won't notice that this one's missing... hopefully. As Calla was about to leave, she heard a voice.

"Who's there?" It was Professor Ignis.

"I... um... was just..."

"If you wanted to borrow a book, you only had to ask." he said, "Very interesting choice, Calla. I take it you're researching the 'eaters of death' or whatever they are."

"Um, yes?" Calla replied, unsure if she should tell Professor Ignis about their plan.

"Go ahead and take the book, but in the future, tell me if you're going to sneak into my office."

Calla hurried out the door and ran into Carina.

"Calla! What were you doing in there?" she asked with surprise.

"I borrowed a book. Its called, The Dark Cults. I thought there might be something in here about the eaters of death. Wait! Where have you been? We've been looking for you. We thought you might have a book on this sort of thing."

"I was in Professor Potter's office. He gave me some things for you guys. I was looking for you, Audrey, and Jaiden."

"What did he give you?" Calla asked curious as to what the Professor might have had to help them.

"Oh, just little gifts he thinks will help us." Carina said, with a smile.

Calla raised an eyebrow. "Please tell me?" She asked smiling slightly.

At that moment, Jaiden and Audrey walked up.

"Now I can tell you." Carina said.

"Tell us what?" asked Audrey.

Carina lead them around the corner where they could talk in private.

"Well, Professor Potter gave us little presents to help us out. They are pretty amazing."

Audrey raised an eyebrow now. "Presents? I think its a bit early for Christmas."

Jaiden rolled his eyes. "Ignore her, what are they?"

"For Audrey." Carina said, taking out a golden chain with an hourglass pendant in the middle.

"The...the..." Audrey stammered, "Wow." Audrey held the chain in her hands. "I thought they were all destroyed? Only Hermione Weasley had the last one?" She stared at it in awe.

"Yeah, he asked her if we could use it. I told him about your problem with being on time, if that's okay."

"Uh huh." Audrey replied, still in awe.

"For Jaiden." said Carina as she pulled out a large cloak.

"Um, okay?" he said, not sure what he would do with the old thing.

"You obviously haven't been keeping up with History." said Carina, rolling her eyes, "Put it on."

"Okay, if you say so, but... WHOA!" Jaiden looked down and couldn't see his body.

"The invisibility cloak technically belongs to James, but he said you could borrow it any time you want. Its yours for the school year." Carina explained.

"This one's for Calla," she said, pulling out something that looked like a lighter.

"It's the..." Carina began.

"Deluminator." Calla finished, "I know." she clicked it and small balls of light traveled to her.

"What about you?" asked Calla, "What did you get?"

"Nothing." Carina replied hiding a hint of sadness.

"Come on Cari, he must have given you something." said Audrey.

"No. That's it, there wasn't anything else." Carina said.

After getting the deluminator, Calla almost forgot about the book she had in her hand. When she got to the Hufflepuff common room, she finally opened it and began to read. The book was really long, but she didn't mind. She finally found the spot she was looking for.

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