Chapter 12 Audrey

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Chapter 12. Audrey

- A few days later -

Carina was finally out of the hospital wing and ready to get back to her classes. The next day, Audrey took her to Professor Potter's office to tell him about her encounter with the dementors.

"I knew something like this was going to happen." said Professor Potter, not surprised at all.

"Um, Professor, I was kind of hoping that you would teach us the Patronus charm. Just in case." said Carina.

Professor Potter stopped and looked at them. "Well.. if you insist but you do know it takes extreme concentration..." He trailed off eyeing Audrey tinkering with knick-knacks. He cleared his throat. Audrey jumped and put her hands down.

Carina giggled a bit. "Don't worry about her. She may seem ill-focused but when she needs it she has it."

"I'm sure I can handle it." said Audrey.

Professor Potter nodded. "Wands at the ready." He drew his wand and unlocked an old trunk, seemingly to be inherited. "Think of a happy memory. Extremely happy. Strongest one you can."

Carina and Audrey nodded. "Got it." They chorused.

With a flick of his wand, Harry Potter opened the trunk containing a boggart. "Simple incantation, Expecto Patronum." He waved his wand and said, "Expecto Patronum!" with extreme force. He closed the box and looked at the girls. "Now over time you will be able to say it in your mind but that is far from now. Who's first?"

"I'll go." said Carina, hesitantly.

Audrey stopped her. "Cari... are... are you sure?"

"Yes, I want to know how to do this."

Audrey sighed, nodded her head and let go of Carina's shoulder and standing over by the professor.

"Okay. I'm ready." said Carina, reassuring herself more than the others.

Professor Potter nodded to Audrey, who in turn flicked her wand opening the box, releasing the boggart.

"Expecto Patronum!" Carina exclaimed, remembering all of the good things that ever happened to her.

Audrey smiled as she watched her best friend fight back the boggart on her first try. When Carina was done, she sighed. "Here!" Audrey said handing her some chocolate. She looked back at the professor. "It helps correct?"

Professor Potter looked at her quizzically. "Yes but how di-"

Audrey cut him off. "I read a lot." She glanced at Carina. "No more than her though. We're all big readers but she's the biggest!" Audrey teased lightly pushing Carina.

Carina smiled and rolled her eyes.

Professor Potter shook his head. I'll never understand the- He stopped mid thought. You used to be them Harry. The professor smiled to himself. "Okay! Miss Carter, you're next I trust?"

Audrey swallowed. "Are.. Are you sure?"

Carina put a hand on her shoulder. "You'll do fine Audy."

Audrey nodded and raised her wand. "Open it." She said firmly, eyeing the box.

Professor nodded towards Carina, who flicked her wand, once again releasing the boggart.

Audrey and Carina said goodbye to Professor Potter and left his office heading back to the main corridors.

After a week of asking, Carina finally got Audrey to, at least, pretend to be friends with Eric. One day, they all met at the library to study for an exam.

Collide: Harry Potter 3rd(ish) GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now