Chapter 6 Calla

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Chap. 6 Calla

Calla interrupted, “Carina was trying to calm you both down and maybe she didn’tknow that you didn’t mean it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m leaving too.”

    Calla started walking away, but stopped.

    “Um, this would be a lot easier if I knew how to apparate like Carina. I guess I’m stuck with you two.”

At this point, the young Potters were returning home. They walked up their drive to see two teens arguing and another sitting off to the side messing with her wand.Calla noticed the Potters then sighed.  Good luck prying this lot apart.  She thought to herself. James and Albus put down their packages and hurried up the drive. Lily stayed at the end of the fence post watching.

James and Albus walked up to Audrey and Jaiden and pulled them apart, James holding back Audrey, and Albus holding back Jaiden.

James looked at the pair. “Now anyone care to tell me why I come home to see a pair of lovebirds arguing on my drive?” He smirked.

Jaiden and Audrey instantly shrank back away from each other and out of James and Albus’ arms. “WHAT?!! NO!!!! NO!!! NO!! NO!” They chorused. They glared at each other then looked away.

Calla burst out laughing. She laughed hard enough she fell off her perch and on to the drive. “Ouch. But THEM?!  There is no way they could be a pair! Everyday my friend and I have to keep them from going at each others throats!” She replied beginning to laugh again.

Jaiden grumbled, fed up with it all. “Look! She’s a Slytherin, I’m a Gryffindor!”    

“Opposites attract.” said James.

    “More like attack.” replied Calla. She laughed a bit more before standing up and collecting herself. “Anyways, we were just here to talk to your father. We’ll be going.” Calla said grabbing her friends and leaving the Potter home. She walked back the way they came and stopped. “Guys, with that crazy cloaked thing Jaiden saw earlier in the summer something is going on but what is the question.”

“Maybe this has nothing to do with Potter?” Jaiden said “Maybe this is something new entirely? The crazy cloaked thing didn’t call himself a death eater, he said he was a taster of death”

    “Carina should know about this.” said Calla, “and some certain wizards I know need to apologize to her. I just have one question. Where is she?”

“I haven’t seen her since we visited the Potter’s.” Jaiden said

    “She was pretty angry with us.” said Audrey, “I wish I knew where she could have gone.”

    “She was angry with us?” Calla asked, “No, she was angry with you.”

“I don’t like what you're insinuating!” Jaiden said indignant. “Why would she be mad at me? But back to the point what do the ‘eaters of death’ want with us?

      “Sounds like something we don’t want to mess with. Didn’t Carina get a new book on this sort of thing?” asked Calla.

       Audrey sighed.  "We need to find her. Without her we don't know what these eaters of death are and we can't defend ourselves against them. I think we should head back to Carina's house..."

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