seventy five

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Being a new Mom was difficult. Despite my experience with babysitting, nothing prepared me for caring for a small baby full time. It wasn't entirely bad though. Waking up every day and seeing my baby boy's little nose and bright eyes made all the cons turn into pros. I knew I'd give up my life for his any day. After being in the world for a month, he smiled at me, and despite the joy I instantly felt, guilt crept in. Because while I was here experiencing all these firsts with my son, my sister was still passed out down the hallway missing out on hers with her daughter, who seemed to grow rapidly every day. Things for the most part we're calm in the house but all peaceful moments must come to an end.


I rolled over and winced as the bright sun hit my eyes when they tried to open. I felt a cold touch on my nose and I scrunched it as I looked up at the person who poked it. "Good morning," I whispered. I snuggled back into the cold chest and tried to close my eyes again.

"No, it's time to wake up babe." I pouted but all he did was laugh at me. "Eli should be waking up soon."

"It's your turn to change him." I reminded him and attempted to turn over to go to sleep.

"No, no, no, no." He chuckled. "It was my turn last night at about 3 am. It's your turn now." I groaned and sat up.

"Fine." I stretched my arms above my head and pushed my hair back. He sat up beside me but leaned his back against the headboard, not even trying to leave the bed. "Want to help me?"

"You've got this babe." He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh, I know I do." I grinned. "I'm just offering you the extra practice." I jumped out of the bed before he could grab for me. "Paws off mister." I pointed a finger at him.

"Go get the baby." He rolled his eyes, his smile never wavering. I rolled my eyes back at him and walked to the door by our closet, leading to the adjoined room, the nursery. The room was furnished but lacked a theme to its decor since neither Alice nor I could decide on one. With a loud yawn escaping my mouth, I walked over to the crib and peeled back the blanket.

"Hey baby it's time-" I cut myself off with a gasp. "Emmett!" He was by my side within a second.

"Whoa!" We both stared down at our son. "He wasn't like this yesterday."

"No shit," I replied. "What do we do?" I looked up at him.

"I'll go get Carlisle." He left the room at a normal walking pace and left me alone with Eli.

"Mama." I gasped and looked down at Eli. My eyes watered and I gave him a big smile.

"Yeah baby, it's Mama." He stood to his feet and it was then that I was able to fully take in how much he had grown overnight. Standing at the height of a three-year-old was my newborn child. Little Eli Cullen grew rapidly overnight despite our theories that he wouldn't. I picked him up, feeling how much heavier was. "I'd change you but we don't have diapers in your size, big boy." He giggled and buried his head in my shoulder.

I moved him to the other room, sitting with him on my lap on the large bed. I laid him down in front of me and he smiled widely up at me. His hair had grown out and lightened to match my color. His eyes were the same shade as mine, our noses matching perfectly. There was almost no resemblance to Emmett in our little boy except now that he had grown, I could see that his body type was exactly like his father's.

I sat there quietly as I watched him sit up and crawl into my lap. He buried his face into my chest and curled his body into mine. I wrapped my arms around him and melted as I felt a sigh leave his little body. He didn't move as Emmett and Carlisle walked into the room, the rest of the family (sans Edward and Renesmee) hovering in the doorway.

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