fifty one

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The days had blurred by, but our problems hadn't. It seemed that I was continuously dragged into Bella's vampiric dilemmas. Victoria was suspected of having a strange vampire invade mine and Bella's bedrooms and leave his scent everywhere. But our problems didn't end there. Bella had to further complicate our lives. She was moving her "turning" date and making it sooner rather than later. She felt that our new vampire issue was a perfect time to change. I didn't agree with her. My disapproval only caused a bigger rift between us. She was still majorly upset with me for saying no at the beginning and telling her no all over again only angered her more. But she was the least of my problems. Word got around Forks that I was leaving school early. Dad liked to brag. Everyone was congratulating me and I had never felt more awkward. I was choosing to leave for NYU earlier than usual and Emmett was more than willing to tag along. I had said most of my goodbyes but there was still an entire reservation of people I had yet to speak to. None of them were answering my calls or my text messages and it worried me. They had seemed happy for me so now that I'm leaving, it seemed like any happiness they had for me faded away.

The school was officially over, my high school years were done. Relief and fear were just two of the emotions I was feeling. With my diploma in hand, I walked through the empty hallways that I attended for two years and smiled sadly at them. I spotted Logan's locker and could picture myself, him, and Matthew just sitting on the ground below listening to Green Day. Across the hall from Logan's now empty locker, was my old one. It still had a small purple C sticker on it. It looked like my locker on the outside but on the inside, a blank space stared at me. I continued to walk down the hallways and I eventually made it to the art classroom.

Art had been mine and Emmett's favorite subject to take together. It was a great class for both of us. I peeked through the glass window on the door and hanging above the teacher's desk was the mural Jasper and I painted together. It was a painting of the forest at night with stars and the moon shining in the sky. It was a great piece but what made our teacher fall in love with it was the outline of the angel that took shelter in the darkness. I had outlined Emmett and painted it white with a small halo above his head. Our teacher said it represented the one light each of us found in the darkness. But to me, it had its meaning. It signified just how I saw Emmett- an angel in my darkness.

I moved away from the door and walked further down the hallway. I passed a few people by as they too strolled down memory lane. We waved politely but I continued on my way and finally pushed open the door that led to the one room that started it all. The Government classroom was still decorated the same. All the tables and chairs were placed the way they had always been. I left the door open behind me and went to take a seat in my first assigned seat. It was all too surreal. If I closed my eyes I could imagine Emmett beside me, staring at me strangely. Staring at me in a way that once scared me. But if I left my eyes open, I could see just how far we both had come.

"I thought I'd find you here." I turned my head and looked at the doorway. Grinning at me in his usual manner stood the boy who changed my life.

"Well, I knew you'd find me." I smiled at him. He walked over to me and sat in the chair beside mine. "It seems like only yesterday." I sighed.

"It does." He agreed. He scooted his chair closer to mine and draped his arm across the back of it. "We've come so far."

"We have." I nodded. "I mean just last year we didn't know each other and now we're moving to a different state together." I grabbed his hand and laced my fingers with his.

"I wouldn't change any second of it." He absentmindedly rubbed the silver bracelet on my wrist. A bracelet that he gave to me as a promise. A promise of our forever.

"Me neither." I rested my head upon his chest and breathed in his cinnamon scent. I glanced up at the clock hanging up on the wall and sighed. "We have to go."

"Why?" Emmett groaned. I giggled and shook my head. He stood up and offered me his arm. I grabbed my diploma and grabbed onto his arm.

"I have to change for the party." I smiled at him. "Trust me, I'd rather be in bed cuddling and watching movies but I promised Alice."

"You need to stop promising people stuff." He teased. We exited the classroom and walked down the lonely hallways. "It may be empty now but in three months, this place will be just as crowded as before."

"And someone else will have to tell the tale of the great Cullens." I grinned at him.

"Oh please. My legacy will never die." He winked at me.

"Of course not, you only just spray-painted your name on every locker in the boys' locker room." I rolled my eyes. "You scared the janitor, he refused to even paint over it."

"But my legacy will never die." He smirked.

"What legacy?" I scoffed. "It's not like you played any sports here." I giggled.

"I would have but Carlisle said no." Emmett pouted. "Besides you and I both know that that isn't the legacy I was referring to." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shush!" I blushed deeply. "We got caught one time, you don't exactly get remembered for that."

"Babe we got caught making out in the principal's office during school. I'm pretty sure we'll never be forgotten." Emmett and I walked into the cold air and made our way to his car.

"I hate that." I rolled my eyes. "I don't want to be remembered that way."

"I don't mind it." We made it to his car and he opened the door for me.

"Of course not, you're a guy after all." I rolled my eyes and sat inside the car.

"You know you love me." He smirked.

"Sadly." I huffed. He chuckled and closed the car door. He climbed in on the other side and winked at me. "Oh just drive."

"With pleasure." He grinned. I rolled my eyes and braced myself for the 5-second ride home.

It may have been his pleasure but it wasn't mine.

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