fifty nine

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Hopping off of a plane at an airport at an unknown place was not as fun as Miley Cyrus made it out to be. Everyone around me was rushing, some of them muttering about getting home before the sun went down. I guess they either knew or had their suspicions about the Volturi. I wasn't too concerned with the setting sun, considering the people I was here to see were the same people they were running from. I tried to push my way into the crowds, hoping to pass them but my attempts were futile. I dragged my suitcase behind me, finally making it outside. I searched around looking for anyone I was supposed to meet. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time, only to see a familiar name flashing across the screen. I let out a sigh but answered it anyway. "I told you I would call you when I landed, my feet barely touched the ground, Dominic."

"I know but excuse me if I'm worried about my pregnant sister being in another country that happens to be the home of merciless vampires." I rolled my eyes at Dom's melodramatic outburst. "And that's not why I called." He seemed hesitant about what he was going to say next. "There's someone who wants to talk to you. Or someone." He stopped talking and I made my way to a bench and sat down. "You're on speaker Clary." Oh, great.

"Clarissa Swan how could you go to another country in your condition." Bella's voice rang through the phone. "Do you have any idea how worried we all were about you?"

"Dominic knew where I was." I pointed out. "And besides, if you knew about my plan, you never would've let me come."

"Damn right, I would've made you stay here where Carlisle can monitor you." Bella ranted.

"Bella, the Volturi promised to help me. They promised not to hurt me and I'm trusting them. They've welcomed me here, my baby also." I sighed quietly. "I want my baby around people who will love him."

"Is that what this is about? You left because of Emmett?" Bella was upset with me, but she'd have to get over it. "Clary, he was worried about you too."

"And the baby too?" I was met with silence. "Exactly. This baby and I are a packaged deal now, you either take us both or nothing at all." I was met with silence once again and I knew without being there that he was listening. "I have to go now, my ride is here." I stood up as a black heavily tinted car parked in front of me, a lady stepping out and walking over to me. "I'm staying where I am and I don't plan on leaving until I get what I came for. Now you can try to come and force me back home, but I'm Aro's guest, and I don't think he'd like it if you did."

"Miss Swan, Aro is waiting." The lady's voice startled me slightly as I whispered my last words to my sister. "Bye Bells, have fun on your honeymoon." I hung up the call and stuck my phone back in my pocket. "Are you ready Miss?"

"As I'll ever be." I smiled politely at her. She lead me towards the car and I took a seat in the back beside her. The ride to the castle wasn't a long one but it was a silent one. The girl, Gianna, kept her comments to herself as she watched me rub my swollen stomach. I knew she wanted answers but I just wasn't in the mood to give them to her. As soon as we pulled up to one of the castle's many entrances, Gianna lead me away from the car, mentioning briefly that my bag would be taken to my room for me. As we entered the castle, it held a different aura than the city surrounding it. Gianna didn't give me time to admire the low-hanging chandeliers or the stained glass windows. She was walking quickly towards a set of dark wooden doors.

"They're waiting for you." She stopped as we reached them and turned around to face me. I gulped nervously and glanced at the tall doors. "Please." Though her tone was polite, the look in her eyes was telling me to hurry up. I nodded and she pulled one of the heavy doors open. I was expecting to see a room with all of them waiting for me but instead, I faced a dimly lit hallway. I could faintly see two figures standing not too far from me and I hesitantly stepped forward.

"Miss Swan." A deep voice with a slight accent rang out and I resisted the urge to shiver at the tone they used. I took another step forward towards them and I let out a small breath I had been holding when I noticed Felix and Demetri standing in front of me. "Aro and the others are waiting."

"Right." I nodded and they both stepped aside to allow me to pass them. The doors weren't too far from me and I placed a cautious hand on my baby bump at the same time that I touched the doorknob. I twisted the old knob and pushed the door open. A giant room that resembled a ballroom out of a movie was the first thing my eyes saw. The next thing they noticed were the three original Volturi members wearing their usual red robes and sitting on massive thrones. They perked up as I entered the room and I could feel eyes on me from every corner of the room. Aro beckoned me to him and I heard my heeled boots clack against the floor as I took small steps.

"Clarissa Swan." Aro grinned at me. "My brothers and I have been waiting for you." Aro gestured to the two vampires seated beside him as he stood up from his seat and walked over to me. He held out his hand and I placed mine in his, already knowing what he wanted. He closed his eyes as he held onto my hand tightly. My eyes flitted to Caius and Marcus behind him and neither of them seemed to care for my company. "Remarkable."

"What is it, Aro?" Marcus spoke up as I heard a slight shuffling behind me. I glanced backward briefly and noticed Jane and Alec along with Felix and Demetri, stepping closer to us.

"The child she bears is a miracle in itself. She and Mr. Cullen created the child and it appears to be growing at a normal pace." Aro replied to him. "Tell me, dear, have you and Mr. Cullen reconciled?"

"No, we haven't." I shook my head and Aro released my hand.

"And he doesn't know you're here?" Aro asked.

"Well, he does now." I corrected him. "I called him at the airport. But I don't think he'll be coming."

"And why is that?" Caius addressed me, shocking us all.

"Because he doesn't want the baby, he wants nothing to do with him." I placed my hand back on my belly and smiled slightly.

"And have you named the child?" I nodded. "And what have you chosen?"

"Elijah." I gave Aro a small smile. "And his middle name will be Cole."

"Excellent." Aro grinned. "Now I just have one more question for you dear." I looked at him, confusion displayed across my face. "And the surname?"

"Well, it all just depends." I shrugged.

"On?" Jane inquired.

"Emmett." I gave her a sad smile. "If Emmett and I reconcile before he's born, then he'll be a Cullen and if we don't, then he'll keep the Swan family name going."

"Well here's hoping for the best," Marcus muttered. "Whatever that may be."

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