eighty two

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It was a quiet day. Everyone seemed to push Irina out of their minds as we went about our usual routines. Carlisle reassured us that she'd return eventually to make amends and we all seemed to agree with him. Eli was currently napping upstairs while the rest of us watched Nesmee play the piano. Everyone was fixated on watching her little fingers move across the keys, I was more entertained by the chess game happening between Carlisle and Esme. It wasn't anything unusual for us. Well until Alice dropped a vase of flowers.

Jasper immediately sped to her while the rest of us gazed at her in shock. "What is it, Alice?"

"The Volturi." I shared a look with Emmett as we all moved in closer to her. "They're coming for us. Are, Caius, Marcus, the Guard. They're all coming."


"What did Irina see in the woods?" Edward turned to Bella and me.

"We were just walking," Bella answered.

"Ness was catching snowflakes," Jacob commented.

"Eli was playing with Seth," I added in. "There wasn't much to see."

Something seemed to click in Edward's brain. "Of course." He uttered. "Irina thinks she's an immortal child." He turned to look at me. "And Eli too."

"But he wasn't doing anything. How could she think he's one too?" I asked him, tucking my hair behind my ears. I felt Emmett's large body come up behind me, his hand reaching out to grab mine. "And besides, Aro already knows of Eli. Why would he be a threat now?"

"Nobody expected him to grow this fast. We can only assume he views Eli the same way as Renesmee." Carlisle interjected.

"Fuck." Emmett grunted out.

We all turned to look where the little voice came from and I wasn't surprised to see Eli standing in the doorway listening to us

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We all turned to look where the little voice came from and I wasn't surprised to see Eli standing in the doorway listening to us. He used a normal speed to come to tuck himself behind me, still not liking having any attention on him.

"What's an Immortal Child?" Bella looked at us.

"It's exactly as it sounds," I told her. "An immortal kid."

"Come with me." Carlisle walked into his study and none of us hesitated to follow him. He grabbed a thick book from one of his shelves and flipped it open. Once he had the right page he placed it in front of Bella as she sat at his desk. "Immortal children and enchanting. Beautiful. They're powerful. But their ages and minds were frozen in time. They couldn't be taught or restrained. One tantrum could destroy an entire village."

"I learned about them when I was with the Volturi," I told her. "They're incredibly dangerous. Aro said they were illegal in their world."

"That's right." Carlisle nodded. "But there was a time when a few existed. Humans heard and some witnessed the devastation. The Volturi had to intervene. The children couldn't protect our secret. Their creators grew attached and fought to protect them. Covens were torn apart. The Volturi deemed it illegal. And unfortunately, our cousins were some of the unlucky few who suffered."

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now