seventy eight

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"How do you think she's doing?" We all stood in the living room, waiting for a glimpse of my sister. Emmett stood beside me as I balanced Eli on my hip. "Be nosy and tell me what's going on," Emmett smirked at me and shared a look with Jasper.

"She almost crushed him," Jasper answered for him. "I think he forgot that newborns are stronger than we are."

"Maybe stronger than you but they're not as strong as me." Emmett grinned smugly. He lifted his arm and patted his flexed bicep. "Arms of steel baby." Jasper rolled his eyes as I laughed.

"Sh!" Rosalie shushed them with a sharp look, Nesmee standing beside her as she held her hand. "No one can hear over the sound of your stupidity."

"Babe, it's fine. They're upstairs kissing anyway. Nobody wants to hear that." Dom smiled gently at her as he chuckled.

"They're going hunting now," Carlisle announced. I noticed Jasper's body tensed up and he cautiously moved toward me.

He noticed my confused face and shook his head at me. "Instincts kicking in I guess." I nodded, though he could still see I was confused. The guardian bond was still new for us and it was taking some getting used to.

"They're near." Jasper relaxed slightly as Rosalie came to stand beside me, Nesmee giving me a bright smile as she grabbed my hand. Jasper moved to stand beside Alice and Emmett positioned himself half in front of me as we all turned to face the back door.

"Jacob." Carlisle gave the boy a friendly smile and Jake took that as his cue to go. We all agreed to send him out first, to see how she'd react to someone human. I had faith in her but of course, Emmett and his brothers placed a bet on if the werewolf would survive.

"Damn," Emmett swore under his breath and I smiled widely at him, my sister was fine. "He lives another day."

"Guess who's alive." Jake practically strutted inside as he smirked at the boys. "Oh and she's right behind me." I set Eli down on his feet and Emmett tensed up slightly. He was the most anxious out of everyone. We knew Jake was a good test subject but apparently, his stench could hide the smell of his blood most of the time. He was worried about me being the only human, she'd break and attack. I had my doubts but he was still on edge.

I gasped as she came inside. She was beautiful. She still looked like herself but now she emitted the same beauty the Cullens did. Her posture was straighter, her hair shinier. Physically she was the same, just enhanced. Times ten.

"Welcome to the family." Esme greeted her with a smile. The kids and I were placed behind the group, each of the vampires huddled in front of us. They parted as she walked in and I sent her a smile as she looked in my direction.

"Someone's been waiting to meet you." Carlisle smiled kindly. Rosalie turned around and picked up Nesmee. I furrowed my eyebrows at her worried state and Jake slid up in front of her, smiling at his imprint. (Something that still weirded me out.) Edward and Bella stopped a foot away from us and to give Rosalie a minute, I stepped forward and smiled at my sister.

"Hey Bells." She beamed at me and moved to hug me but Emmett was there to stop her with his hand and a shake of his head. "Oh, right. I could crush you."

"Rain check?" We both laughed and I felt my eyes tear up at the sight of her. "I missed you, Bella." I felt Eli's hand clutch onto my shorts tightly and I lit up as I turned to look at him. "This is Eli. Your nephew." He looked at her curiously before waving at her shyly.

"Wow!" She exclaimed quietly. "He's so big."

"I know. It surprised me too." I giggled. "We've learned that he's really shy. He doesn't like to meet new people." To further prove my point, my body jerked in surprise as my little boy went from standing beside me to latching himself around me. His little arms went around my neck and I sighed softly as his head nuzzled into my neck.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now