twenty three

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I woke up to the sound of muffled voices. I could hear shuffling going on around me but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what was happening. I willed my eyes to open and I let out a small groan as a bright light blinded me. "Why the hell is it so bright in here?" I croaked out and I felt someone grab onto my hand. The cold touch was familiar to me and I instantly squeezed it in return and glanced around me.

Holding my hand and smiling down at me was my savior, my boyfriend, the big idiot who still hadn't turned off the lights. I glared at him and his smile disappeared and a confused look appeared instead. "She wants you to turn off the lights." Someone, probably Edward, chuckled. Emmett immediately nodded and dimmed the lights. He looked at me expectantly and I smiled at him. He shook his head and looked helplessly at someone on my other side.

I shifted my gaze and I smiled happily at my older sister who sat beside me. She had her leg propped up on my bed and a cast covered her entire calf. Her face brightened as she returned my smile but anyone could see the exhaustion in her eyes and the tiredness in her slow movements.

Emmett helped me sit up and Bella placed a glass of water on my lips. I greedily chugged it and smiled thankfully at him afterward. "Are you okay?" I asked Bella, who chuckled at me.

"Am I okay? Clare, you're the one in the hospital bed and you're asking if I'm okay?" Chuckled erupted from the boys but I merely scooted over and made room for her beside me. Edward stood and helped Bella sit beside me and I waited until she was seated comfortably before I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Where's Dad?" I asked after a moment.

"In the cafeteria with mom," Bella answered me. "Mom flew with me here and she almost fainted when she found out both of her daughters were hospitalized on the same day." Bella rolled her eyes and I let out a small laugh.

"What did you tell them?" I asked Emmett.

"That you and I were playing basketball in the gym at school when I accidentally broke the backboard and the whole thing fell on you." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"For Emmett, it's believable." Edward chuckled. We all laughed because it was believable, even if it wasn't the truth. "You're mom's coming, we'll wait outside." Edward and Emmett excused themselves just as Mom walked in.

"Those two must love you, they never leave!" She laughed as Emmett closed the door. "Anyway, how are you feeling?" Her eyes twinkled as she spoke and I returned her smile.

"Much better." I smiled warmly at her. She seemed to relax as I answered and I felt guilty for worrying her.

"I just can't believe it!" She suddenly exclaimed. "My daughters are both in the hospital on the same day!" Bella and I laughed as Mom flailed her arms around dramatically.

"It's a curse." I chuckled. Mom raised her eyebrows at me and I stopped laughing.

"Maybe I should just bring you back with me." She sighed and I instantly protested.

"Mom, no!" She stopped her rant and stared at me. "I'm not leaving Forks or Dad. Not again." I shook my head and she let out a breath before looking me in the eye.

"You always did like Forks better than Phoenix." She mumbled. "Fine, you can stay. But no more injuries." She pointed her finger at me accusingly. I nodded my head frantically as a smile formed on my face. "And you'll have to visit, of course, Phil misses you both." I nodded again and agreed.

"We will Mom." I chuckled.

"Oh hey, how come you two never mentioned your boyfriends?" She emphasized the word 'boyfriends.'

"You see, that's a funny story..." I trailed off as Dad walked into the room. " That we will have to tell you later." She stared at me blankly as I smiled nervously at her.

"Hey, you're awake." Dad smiled at me.

"I know, it's a miracle." I laughed. He shook his head and kissed my forehead.

"And her sarcasm is still intact," Dad mumbled as he sipped his coffee.

"I take offense to that." I glared playfully at him as Mom and Bella laughed.

"Of course you do," Dad replied. I scoffed in disbelief and he just rolled his eyes.

A while later, Emmett and I lay cuddling on the hospital bed. "Next time, you're staying with me." He eventually said.

"Let's hope that there won't be a next time," I said softly. He rubbed my arm soothingly as he chuckled. "Besides, I don't think I can stand being away from you for so long ever again."

"I know what you mean. I hated being somewhere else and not knowing if you were okay. I headed back as soon as we found Bella but I still wasn't fast enough." He frowned. "When I saw you lying on the floor of the gym I saw red. And no it wasn't her hair either." He paused as I laughed. "I wanted to kill her but you were more important."

"Thank you." I smiled up at him. He cupped my cheek and rubbed his thumb across my cheekbone.

"I promised." He smiled.

"And you kept it." I reached up and kissed his cheek.

"That's all I get?" He chuckled. "I saved your life and all I get is a kiss on the cheek?" His eyebrows rose in disbelief.

"Until I get home, yes." I winked at him. He laughed and poked my side gently. I snuggled into him and he held me close. And that's how my time in the hospital was spent. With Emmett by my side and Spongebob being played on the small television screen.

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