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It wasn't raining.

That was the first thing I noticed when I woke up this morning. To say I was excited would be an understatement. No rain meant I had the freedom to dress up again. Of course, that meant I also got the opportunity to decide on Bella's outfit. Which proved to be a bigger struggle than I hoped.

"No." She shook her head firmly at the blue top I held in my hands. It was a simple blue v-neck tee with a small white pocket but I threw it at her anyway.

"You're wearing it." I turned away from her and threw her a pair of black skinny jeans that she had buried at the bottom of her closet. "Oh and put this on too." I slid a thick grey cardigan off the top shelf of her closet and threw it at her also.

"I hate you." She mumbled, slipping her pajamas off of her body.

"Yeah, yeah." I dismissed her with a wave of my hand. "It could be worse, I could have forced you to wear a skirt." I gestured to the dark pink skirt I was wearing.

"No, I'm fine with jeans," I smirked smugly at her and patted her shoulder, moving her brown hair behind to one side.

"Good girl." I exited her room and went back to mine to slip on my black and white converse. Instead of fully dressing up I decided to keep it casual with just a pink skirt, a white tank top, and a black cardigan. I braided my blonde hair into a fishtail braid and tied it with a thin white ribbon.

"Bella let's go!" I shouted through the hallway after grabbing my bag and exiting my room.

"Do you ever not get dressed up?" She asked as we descended the stairs.

"Do you ever not wear a headband?" I grinned cheekily. She attempted to whack the back of my head but I ducked and dodged it. "Rude."

"Yeah, yeah." She dismissed me with a small smirk.

"You girls look nice," Dad commented as soon as we reached him in the kitchen.

"Thanks." I smile and skip over to him, placing a small kiss on his cheek. "Dad, Bella let me straighten her hair this morning. I almost had a heart attack when she agreed." I placed my hand over my heart dramatically and heard Dad gasp.

"Whoa." He played along with me. "Bells, are you okay? Are you running a fever?"

"Ha ha, you two are hilarious." She rolled her eyes and put her thick jacket on. "Let's go, Clary, we're going to be late."

"The Queen is never late, everyone else is simply early." I smiled.

"Well, the Queen is going to walk to school if she doesn't get her butt in the car," Bella smirked at me.

"So rude," I commented. "Bye Dad, be careful at work today." I kissed his cheek again before following Bella.

"Always am." I heard him say before we closed the door.


It was our second day of school and everyone was still staring at us like we were aliens from another planet. Bella was fed up with the staring and frankly, so was I. At first, it was tolerable but now it was just annoying and aggravating. We both tried to make the most of it but Bella handled it better than I did.

We were at our lockers and we could clearly hear what people were saying about us as they walked by, but we tried so hard to ignore it. But I couldn't anymore. I turned around and snapped at everybody in the hallway.

"If you have something to say, then say it to my face. If you don't, then keep your mouths shut and our names out of them." Nobody said anything after that. And it stayed that way for the rest of the school day.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now