twenty seven

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( SEPTEMBER - after Bella's birthday )

It was difficult, to say the least. Going about my day without him there to pester me. It wasn't easy, but breakups never were. He hadn't been the first boy I dated but he was the first boy I loved. My heart had been broken but I knew with time that it would heal. Dad knew how shitty I felt and let me stay home from school for the rest of that week. Bella stayed too, but she never emerged from her room. After that night, Dad and I had a heart-to-heart and I let everything out - almost everything. I cried loudly, told him how much it hurt, and in return, he comforted me and offered to shoot him. I almost agreed only because I knew Emmett was practically indestructible.

I tried to talk to Bella but she did what she had always done - she shut us out. She wouldn't speak to Dad and me, she refused to eat. All Bella did was stare out her window. When it came time to return to school - she still wouldn't move. Instead, I endured the stares and whispers alone and prayed that she would surprise me and show up to class, but she never did. After school when I'd take her work to her, she still wouldn't look at me.

I wanted to yell at her and curse at her because it was almost selfish what she was doing. I understood that her breakup was just as terrible as mine but I didn't shut her out. I wanted my big sister to comfort me the way she was supposed to do but instead, I comforted her. I wanted us to heal together, cry together, and talk to each other, but it wasn't possible. My sister was fading away and Dad and I both hoped that with time, she would heal and be the Bella we once knew.

At school, everyone knew about the Cullens' departure. Rumors spread about why they left but the school nurse told everyone who asked that Carlisle had accepted a job offer in a much larger city for a much larger pay. Everyone stared at me as I walked from class to class and I did my best to ignore them. Greg made it no secret just how excited he was that they were gone but I knew for my sake that he hid it when I was around. The girls on the squad gave me advice and helped me in any way they could. It had only been two weeks that he had been gone and I smiled to myself as I felt the pain lessen every day.

On the weekends I found myself visiting La Push quite frequently. I'd spent my time with Jared or Paul, sometimes Sam when he wasn't working. I knew that the three of them shared Greg's happiness. Rumors spread in Forks of a celebration party the kids on the reservation had when they found out the Cullens left. There was no doubt in my mind that Paul and Jared both attended and joined in on the festivities.

The boys helped me in any way they could. Giving advice, offering hugs, threatening to beat up the boy who broke my heart, they were willing to do anything. Though they weren't the best advice givers, a few things they had told me stood out. I deserved to be happy, and that no boy was worth my tears.


Football season had begun. Which meant games every weekend, pep rallies, tons of cheering, and countless training. Evie pushed us hard during practices, she wanted us to be ready. She taught us new cheers every week so we weren't doing the same old thing, she asked the principals for new uniforms - which we got - and made our practices longer. So needless to say that when Forks High had its first game, we were beyond ready to cheer until we died.

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