thirty three

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Laurent had terrified me. I couldn't sleep at night, his face haunted my dreams. The way his red eyes blazed hungrily as he glared at me; everything about him haunted me. I could tell that what had happened had also affected Bella. Her already pale skin whitened a few shades and she jumped at every little sound or movement. Dad was a little bewildered and he constantly asked what was wrong but each time we answered with one word that made him back off: cramps.

The sky reflected my mood that day. Dull and grey. Even though my outfit was somewhat bright, it did nothing to brighten my mood. And it seemed Bella was feeling worse than I was.

Since Jake had left and stopped talking to her all she did was sit by the phone waiting for him to call. Or she'd call him, leave a voicemail, and then call again ten minutes later. Bella had lost the one thing that was helping her heal and she was desperately trying to get it back.

I knew what she was going through. The day Jake started avoiding Bella was the same day Paul, Jared, and Sam started to ignore me also. Emily still talked to me, and so did Quil, but my best friends and unofficial brothers distanced themselves from me and I couldn't figure out why. Emily did her best to assure me that it wasn't anything I did, but the way Paul would glare at me whenever I saw him in La Push, had me believing otherwise.

Tuesday and Wednesday went by uneventfully. Bella stared at the phone and I stared at the tv. On Thursday, Dad decided enough was enough. He forced Bella and me into the truck and threw the keys at us. We watched him leave for work in silence until Bella broke it.

"Enough is enough." She muttered. She jammed the key into the ignition and drove away from the house. I tied my hair back messily into a bun and just enjoyed the drive. Or tried to. I knew where she was heading and I had a bad feeling about her plan. "It's Quil." I glanced to where she was looking and she was right, they're walking on the side of the road was Quil. Bella pulled over and offered him a ride. I scooted over and he climbed in silently. He told her his address and we drove to his house.

"Have you seen Jake today?" I glared at Bella. I felt Quil tense up beside me and I tried not to yell at Bella. Quil was suffering just as much as her, if not more. He lost Embry and Jake - Bella only lost one of those boys.

​​​​​"From a distance," Quil answered her. The expression on his face said he didn't want to say anything more on the subject but Bella wouldn't stop with the questions.

"So Sam did get to him," Bella said Sam's name with so much hatred, that it sickened me. We both knew two different versions of Sam Uley. She knew the awful guy everyone talked harshly about while I knew the real Sam- the one who would do anything to protect those he cared about. The way Bella and Quil discussed him and the boys had me feeling sad. My family was divided and they were all bidding against each other.

​"According to my grandfather, Sam Uley is the best thing to happen to this place." Quil glanced at me but I avoided his stare. He didn't need to know just how much his comment hurt me. "This is me." We pulled up to a small brown house and Quil climbed out of the truck. "Bye Bella. Thanks for the ride." Bella waved at him. "See ya, Clary." He smiled slightly at me.

"Later bird." I teased him quietly. He let out a small chuckle and his eyes brightened slightly and I caught a glimpse of the sparkle they once held.

Bella drove away from Quil's house and drove towards Jake's. She parked on the street and rolled down the windows. She turned off the engine and we both silently waited for the boy she was crying over to appear. A small movement caught my eye and I looked towards Jake's house. Billy stared at us through the window and I shook my head apologetically. He nodded curtly before glaring at my sister and moving away from sight.

I heard shuffling movement and a small glimpse at the side mirror told me that Jake and the boys were walking toward us. I looked down at my lap and tried to ignore the stares being thrown at me.

"What are you doing here Bella?" Jake all but growled. I could picture his annoyance and Bella's surprise at his anger.

"I want to talk to you," Bella uttered.

"Go ahead." Jake hissed.

"Alone." I could hear Bella's tone change. She was getting angry and I didn't blame her. She wanted answers and she knew she wouldn't get them with Sam standing there.

"Okay." Jake agreed. Bella exited the truck and tossed the keys into my lap. She shut the door and I sighed. I had been left alone with the four people I had no interest in seeing. I could feel them staring at me but I didn't look at them. I glanced to Jake's house and Billy was still there but he was now glaring at the boys, not me.

​"Clary." Sam's gruff voice spoke my name carefully. I shook my head and looked down at my lap. I didn't want to talk, I wanted them to walk away. "Clary." Sam's voice was firmer this time. I felt the tears prick my eyes as I hesitantly looked at them. The four of them stood shirtless with their arms crossed against their chests. They stared blankly at me through the open window and it took everything in me not to let my tears fall.

"What." My voice was soft but my words were harsh. Sam opened his mouth to say something but he quickly shut it. I shook my head and looked away from them. "Exactly. There's nothing to say."

​"Clary, let us explain." Jared tried to reason with me. I turned my head and glared at them.

"Explain what?" They were taken aback by my rudeness but I had had enough. "That you all left me even after you promised me you wouldn't? Is that what you want to explain!" I was shouting now. "Your promises mean nothing to me anymore. You're all just like him."

"Don't compare us to that bloodsucker!" Paul was shaking with anger.

"Then don't do what he did," I stated. I ignored the word he used to describe Emmett and instead focused on my soaking wet sister that just emerged from the trees. "You did exactly what he did. You gave me nothing but high hopes." I turned away from them and I waited for Bella to get into the truck. I tossed her the keys and it wasn't until we had driven away from Jake's house, that I finally let my tears fall.

I sobbed loudly and I held onto Bella tightly as she drove. Bella hadn't seen me cry after Emmett left and I think she was surprised by just how much losing Sam and the boys affected me.

After we arrived home, I ran up to my room and collapsed onto my bed. The tears weren't stopping and my sobs weren't quitting. That night, for the first time since Emmett left, I cried myself to sleep. I was alone again, and it was the worst feeling in the world.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now