seventy seven

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"Do you remember when you called Bella a spider monkey? That was weird. In the best way." Emmett snorted and edged closer to me as Edward sent a glare my way. "Or when you watched her sleep like a creep?"

"Did we tell you about the time he hissed at everyone when he first met her? That was weird." Edward turned his glare to Emmett now.

"Those were the days. She walked around complaining she smelled bad after she met you. She took, I think, ten showers that night." Edward's glare was back to me. "You're brooding again."

"You're pretending to be funny." He retorted.

"Jokes on you, I am funny," I smirked back. We were all crowded around the living room of the house the family built for the newlyweds. Most of us had nothing better to do so we wandered over to bug Edward who was adding last-minute details to the place. We could hear laughing as Eli and Nesmee played together in her new room. "This place looks nice. She's going to love it. And if she doesn't, I will happily move in."

"I offered to build you one, you said no." Emmett rolled his eyes.

"Because I didn't like the place you wanted to put it." I looked at him annoyed. "Excuse me for not wanting to live in Edward's backyard."

"I thought you'd want to be close to Bella!" He threw up his hands as mine went to my hips.

"Not that close! We have our own families now! We need our own space." I argued. He sighed and slouched on the dark green couch Edward chose despite Alice's protests. "Someone back me up here." I turned to face his siblings and they all watched us, amusement in their eyes.

"She has a point Em." Jasper sided with me. This newfound guardian bond was my new favorite thing. I'd always been closer to Jasper than anyone else, but this skyrocketed our friendship even further. Jasper was truly like a big brother to me. He was my platonic soulmate. Which annoyed Emmett but caused overwhelming excitement for Alice.

"Thank you!" I turned to look at Emmett defiantly, who was back on his feet. He was not about to win this fight.

"His opinion doesn't count! Mother Nature bound him to you and he's your guardian angel, he doesn't get an opinion because he'll always side with you." Emmett towered over me, his eyes darkening as he argued with me.

"It does too matter! Plus he's your brother, his loyalty will always be with you even with the guardian thing." I took a step closer to him and I could feel his body shaking I knew our little argument was pushing his limits. I couldn't understand why the thing with Jasper bothered him and every time I asked, he blew me off. Emmett was a happy-go-lucky kind of guy and I knew discussing feelings wasn't his forte but I kept persisting anyway. "I'm not arguing with you about this anymore Em. I need to talk to Esme about something, can you watch Eli?" He gave me a sharp nod and I took a step back from him. I walked out of the house without another word, not sparing his siblings a glance as I did.

"Hey, Clary!" I turned my head and saw Jacob waving at me. Seth and Leah were beside him and normally I would've gone over to them and joined their little circle, but I had too much on my mind and I needed Esme to help me sort out my thoughts. I waved back and gave them a small smile before continuing my walk to the house.

Within two minutes, I was standing in the kitchen, staring at Esme as she fiddled around the room. "I can sense your anxiety. I don't need to have powers to know something's not right with you." She gave me a kind smile and I didn't hesitate to walk over to her and wrap my arms around her. We matched in height so it wasn't awkward for either of us. "What's wrong dear?"

"So much has been going on and I just feel as if Emmett and I are slipping back into how things used to be. He doesn't want to talk and all I want to do is talk." I pulled back from her and she guided me into the living room. We sat on the couch beside each other and she held my hands in hers gently, comfortingly. "How do you and Carlisle resolve your fights?"

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