sixty one

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The problem with being a pregnant teenager was the fact that I was still a teenager. Everything was new to me. The cravings, the small mood swings, I didn't know how to deal with all of it. And living in a castle with a bunch of vampires who only drank blood, didn't exactly help me any. I was currently sitting in my room, munching on a bag of potato chips, when Jane and Felix pushed the bedroom door open.

"So we've solved your food problem." Jane looked annoyed at Felix as he spoke before she could. In the few days that I've been here, they've all warmed up to me and have grown used to seeing me around the castle. Caius seemed to be the only one still bothered by my presence.

"Come with us." Jane held out her hand and I put my feet on the ground and stood up.

"Why do you always wear skirts?" Felix asked as he watched me pat down my blue skirt.

"My jeans don't fit me anymore." I patted my baby bump and he nodded as if he understood. The three of us exited my room, strolling down the long hallways. Jane and Felix walked silently, their heads held high and faces blank, while I ate my potato chips, the crunch echoing around us. Jane sent me an annoyed glare and I smiled sheepishly at her. "Sorry."

"Here we are." We stopped in front of a large wooden door, the same kind as every other door in the place. Jane pushed it open and I glanced at her confused. "The kitchen."

"You guys have a kitchen in your castle? But you don't eat?"

"Aro had it installed for you." She explained. "You're the only one in the castle who has to eat actual food so this room is yours."

"Aro had it stocked with all sorts of food. Snacks, meats, beverages, everything you might need." Felix added in.

"And if you crave anything specific and it's not supplied here, he'll send someone out for it," Jane concluded.

"I want a sandwich," I spoke aloud before going over to the refrigerator and opening it up. "Oh gosh." I gasped. "There's so much."

"Let me help you." Jane came over to me.

"You know how to make a sandwich?" Felix laughed. "Since when?"

"Since now. Now go away." Felix left us alone, still bellowing with laughter.

"Jane, you don't have to." I tried to tell her but she wasn't having it. I shrugged and sat on the counter, watching her as she got the stuff out of the giant fridge.

"Aro says for us to make everything as easy for you as possible, so I'm only following orders." She responded in her deep but soft voice.

"Oh okay." I didn't know what else to say. "So tell me something about yourself."

"My name is Jane." I rolled my eyes.

"Something I don't know."

"I was turned when I was 15."

"Oh shit?" I gasped. She nodded and I respected her so much more. "Alec too?"

"Same time. Only a few seconds apart, just like our birth."

"Who's older?"

"I am." She smirked. "Anything you feel the need to know?"

"What was your life like before you turned?" She slid me my finished sandwich and I took a bite as she cleaned up her mess.

"Not as eventful." I chuckled and she gave me a small smirk. "Alec and I were just as close as we are now. And people feared us then, just like they do now."

"Why were they scared of you?"

"Because we were different." She turned to me. "Our parents were killed when we were young and we were taken care of by our Grandmother but she wasn't liked by the people of our village. They accused her of being a witch, thus having them hating us also."

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now