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       The quick ride to the airport wasn't chatty the only noise in the car was the hip hop music my mom had blasting through the speakers. She constantly tried to keep up with what was considered "hip and cool" by us teens these days. She desperately wanted to be that cool mom that everyone loved, and she was- when she wasn't trying too hard to be. As mom tried to rap along with the artist, Bella sent me looks of despair, clearly embarrassed by mom's antics.

Instead of being embarrassed along with her, I added to her humiliation and sang along. This only caused Bella to throw a penny at me and pout. Bella and I were completely different, both in our personalities and physical appearances. She was quiet, introverted, and pale. She preferred to never be noticed, never to be spoken about, and to never be the center of attention. I, on the other hand, was outgoing, loud, and not as pale as her. My skin tone was almost the same shade as hers but mine had more tan to it.

We clashed more than we matched. My blonde hair reached down to my waist whereas her brown strands stopped at her shoulders. She was taller than me by a few inches, which meant she always used me as an armrest when she stood next to me.

Our dress styles were a lot different as well. Bella preferred to wear jeans and sneakers all the time while I loved wearing skirts, dresses, boots, heels, etc. I was girly and Bella was a tomboy. Sometimes, despite her protests, Bella and I would share clothes. We both wore the same size despite my curves being slightly more noticeable than hers.

We were different but we were sisters.


"You know you both don't have to do this." Our mother, Renee, said to us as we stood in the airport. Every time the radio would play a commercial, she would turn to us and recite the same sentence. We would both assure her that we wanted to, though I could tell Bella was lying, we both knew she would just continue to ask no matter what our answer was.

Our mother shared her looks with Bella and I get mine from our dad Charlie. The only difference between Bella and our mother was that mom had shorter hair and she always smiled. Her hazel eyes were the only physical trait I inherited from her. Everything else was from my dad and his family.

"Mom, we want to go. It'll be nice to see Dad again." I stepped in for Bella. She had always been a bad liar and I knew if she responded, mom would notice.

"Well tell him I said hello." She sighed, placing a hand on each of our shoulders.

"We will." Bella smiled slightly at her. Though the smile was fake you could easily tell how relieved it made our mother feel.

"I'll see you both soon." She promised. "Whenever you want to come home, call me. I'll be on the first flight back to Phoenix all you have to do is let me know."

"Mom, we'll be fine." I smiled reassuringly at her. "It'll be great, don't worry."

"Clary's right. We love you, Mom." Bella agreed with me before wrapping her arms around our mother in a hug one last time.

"We'll call as soon as our flight lands," I promised, taking my turn and hugging mom. Without looking back, Bella and I both walked onto the plane, and just like that, Phoenix was behind us.


It wasn't that long of a flight and the sweatpants and hoodie I wore only added to my comfort. We landed in Seattle only to transfer to another plane that would take us to Port Angeles. Bella and I didn't have a fear of heights so I knew that neither of us was worried about the plane rides, but I could tell her obvious discomfort was towards the car ride we'd have with our Dad.

Though I kept telling her to relax, she wouldn't. She had tried but failed as it only seemed to add to her nerves. I wasn't worried about seeing Charlie again, I was pretty ecstatic. Bella was closer to Mom and I was closer to Dad. It's always been that way. When I called him to tell him that we were going to stay with him in Forks for a while, he was excited, to say the least. He immediately enrolled us in high school and promised on buying a car for the both of us to share.

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