twenty nine

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"Do it." I urged the lady behind me. She sent me a wary look before nodding and doing what I asked her to. When she cut the first strand of hair, I didn't flinch- and that surprised me. This is what I had wanted, there is no turning back now. I heard her snipping away with her scissors and I could only imagine the soft thud my hair made when it touched the floor. A fresh start; was what I needed. I needed time and within that time, I healed.

I felt her turn the chair around after she finished blowdrying my hair and I gaped at the blonde girl who looked at me. Her hair was shorter, just above her chest - I loved it. I handed the lady the money I owed her and grabbed things, making my way out of the small beauty shop. I looped my crossbody bag over my body before walking across the street to Emily's car.

"Clary!"Just as I had unlocked the door, I heard my name being called. I turned my head and waving frantically were Embry and Quil. I waved back and waited patiently as they walked over to me. Quil reached me first and he wrapped his arms around me tightly as he lifted me off the ground. He spun me around and I laughed as he did so.

When he finally set me down, he gave me a warm smile. I returned it before tackling Embry in a hug. He easily caught me and held me to him tightly. I wasn't sure how long we stood there hugging but we didn't pull away until Quil awkwardly coughed. Embry's arms moved away from me and as he smiled sheepishly at me, memories started to run through my head.

"So what are you doing here?" Quil asked.

"Getting a haircut and visiting Sam and Emily."

"Yeah, we noticed the new haircut." Embry tugged gently on the ends of my hair. "It looks great." He confessed. I blushed slightly at his compliment and thanked him.

"It's a little weird though," Quil admitted. I glanced at him curiously while Embry sent him a glare. "I mean, I'm just so used to seeing you with long hair- it'll take some getting used to. But Embry is right, you look good with short hair."

"Thanks, Bird." I smiled at him though he glared when I brought up my old nickname for him.

"I hate that name. Why do you call me that, there are like a million other names you could call me!" He flailed his arms dramatically as he spoke. Embry and I leaned against the car door just watching him in amusement.

"Oh yeah, like what?" I challenged. He looked me in the eye before he replied.

"Your boyfriend." A smirk had gradually made its way onto his face.

"Smooth." I rolled my eyes. "No, I like calling you Bird. It suits you."

"But why?" He whined.

"It's your name stupid." Embry laughed as he twirled strands of my hair around his fingers.

"Huh?" Quil looked so confused, that I almost felt sorry for him.

"Your name is similar to a type of bird," Embry spoke slowly. I giggled and he quickly looked away from our idiotic friend and smiled at me.

"A child is a bird?" Quil scratched the top of his head as he mumbled to himself.

"It's just taking him sixteen hears to figure this out?" I laughed. Embry nodded and joined in. "No, it's a Quail bird but you're close. Okay, guys, it was great to see you again but I have to get going."

"Where are you going?" Embry had a small pout on his face and it took everything in me not to coo at his adorableness.

"I have to return Emily's car to her and then I'll probably just go home. It's almost dinner time so I gotta make something for Dad." I explained to them as I opened the car door.

"Hey, do you mind if I come over later? I want to talk to you about something." Embry rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Yeah, that should be fine. Come over in about an hour or so, I'll iI should be home by then." I waved goodbye as Embry closed the car door for me. I started the engine and drove away from them.

It didn't take me long to get to Emily's but once I got there and Paul had a fit about my hair, I wished the commute had taken much longer. Sam and Emily loved it, and so did Jared. But Paul- Paul was a different story. I had never seen him get so worked up over something and it amused me to no end. Eventually, he settled down and I was finally able to go home. I accepted Jared's offer to give me a ride so we both silently climbed into his truck.

"So how are you doing?" He eventually asked.

"Better," I replied.

"Good." He gave me a small smile. The silence returned and for once, I felt awkward around him. There had never been any awkwardness when were together, it unnerved me that I felt this way now. "But you still care for him don't you?"

"I always will." I looked down at my lap. "He was my first love, you never really do forget your first love."

You're right, you don't." He looked at me silently with an unreadable expression in his eyes. He quickly averted his gaze back to the road and I averted mine away as well. The rest of the drive was silent and it wasn't long before we pulled into my driveway. I bid him goodbye as I exited his truck. I felt him staring at me as I moved but I didn't look back. After I closed the door of his truck, a faded red car stopped in front of my house and I saw Embry leave it.

He smiled brightly at me and I caught myself returning it. Jared immediately sped away as Embry started walking over to me. We both ignored it and quickly entered my house. I dropped my purse onto the table before taking out the things I'd need to make dinner. Embry had started helping me when I put the burger patties on the stove. He flipped them easily and dramatically while I laughed at him. I put strips of bacon in the same pan as the patties and I could almost see him drool.

"You seriously are the best." He complimented me. He began placing the fully cooked patties onto a plate while I finished cutting up the lettuce and tomatoes.

"I am?" I asked him, placing the knife down and looking over at him.

"You are." He was looking at me intensely and it was hard not to look away- so I didn't. I returned his heated gaze before a small smell of burning food broke it apart. He cursed under his breath and went to remove the food from the pan. I turned around and faced the other way as I tried to calm myself down. With just one look, Embry had stirred up old feelings and I hate how I enjoyed the sensation they brought. "Screw it." I heard him mumble.

I didn't hear him move but suddenly he was twirling my body around to face him and pushing my body up against the counter. He planted his lips firmly on mine and I kissed him back just as urgently. His hands went to my waist and he hoisted my body off of the ground until I was seated on the counter. My arms wrapped around his shoulders and I dug my fingertips into his skin as our lips moved frantically. Our kiss became much more heated when he pulled my body flush up against his. My legs wrapped around his waist and I felt his jeans rub against my inner thigh as my skirt bunched up.

When we both pulled away for air, he wrapped me into his arms tightly. I buried my face into his shoulder as I panted. He began to place small kisses on the side of my neck and I couldn't suppress the moan that escaped me. I felt him shiver as my lips parted against his skin. He began to suck and nibble causing another moan to escape me and I bit his shoulder gently to prevent it from being heard. He blew softly onto my skin and I moaned softly before pulling away from him. I met his gaze and I gave him a soft smile. His lips formed the megawatt smile I had always admired and I couldn't stop myself from giggling.

"I never thought I'd be able to do that again." He mumbled.

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