thirty nine

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"Bella it's just Emily's house, stop worrying." I rolled my eyes at my older sister. We had been parked in front of Sam and Emily's house for a good five minutes and Bella refused to leave the truck. It was the third day of spring break and instead of hanging with Jake, I suggested that she have some girl time. She agreed but she still wouldn't leave the truck. "Okay, fine. You want to stay in here then go ahead, but I am going inside." I sighed heavily. I felt her watching me as I opened the truck door but I didn't turn to look at her. I shut the door and headed up the porch steps, knocking softly on the door.

"Hi, Clary." Emily smiled at me. Her long brown hair was piled on top of her head in a bun and she donned sweats and a tank top. "It's cleaning day." She explained her clothing choices.

"I figured." I teased her. She stepped aside and let me in the house, closing the door before any of the cold air seeped in.

"Did your dad drop you off?" I followed her into the kitchen where she resumed her dishwashing.

"No, Bella did. She's still outside too." I slid my jacket off and draped it over a chair. I hopped onto the countertop and watched her clean. "She came over for a girl's day but she won't leave the truck."

"Why not?" Emily turned to me, confused.

"Bella is more of a guy's girl. She's never really hung out with girls before, except me, so she doesn't know how to interact with them." I shrugged. "Plus she's intimidated by my awesomeness," I smirked and dusted off imaginary dust from my shoulder.

"I'm sure that's what it is." Emily rolled her eyes.

"It is! My awesomeness is a force to be reckoned with." I flailed my arms dramatically. Emily scoffed and shook her head. "Don't be a hater." I glared playfully at her. She laughed and I stuck my tongue out at her.

"So how are things going with Bella? You two talk everything out?" That was another thing I liked about Emily. She always knew I wasn't okay even if I showed otherwise.

"No. I guess we both just chose to move on from our little disagreements." I shrugged.

"What started this rift between you anyways?" She turned off the water and dried her hands with a towel as she turned to face me.

"She thinks her breakup was rougher than mine."

"Was it?"

"I don't think so but I don't know the relationship they had that well. Emmett and I had been together longer than Bella and Edward but they could've been closer than us." I tried to explain it to her but the more I listened to myself it just sounded like I was defending Bella.

"So why do you think that she thinks her breakup was harder than yours?"

"I guess because I handled it differently." I sighed. "She locked herself in her room every day, only appearing for school. Whereas I chose not to let it change my life any more than it already had. But I still cried and suffered internally just as much as she did. I still am suffering from it but I'm taking it day by day and the pain is starting to slowly fade."

"Have you told your sister this?" Emily moved to the fridge and pulled out a container of leftover pasta. She unwrapped the foil and stuck the bowl into the microwave. She probably heard my stomach growling.

"No. I've learned over the years that some things just aren't worth fighting over. And pain and suffering is one thing you don't want to fight over with my sister." I shook my head.

"And why is that?" The microwave beeped and Emily took out the steaming bowl of food and placed it on the counter.

"She'll win," I answered quietly.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now