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Saturday, September 30th, 12:32 A.M.

They're coming...They're REALLY COMING! Sorry, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. I just heard the craziest thing. Let me start over.

My name is Dib Membrane. I'm 12 years old, and live in a very bizarre City. It's weird no one has ever mentioned the name. Heck, I don't even know the name. But more on that later. People say I have an abnormally large head. Personally, I don't see it. I don't really change my outfit much. Light Blue Ghost Shirt, Gray Pants, Red and White shoes, Black Trench Coat, and circular glasses. And my weirdly shaped hair. I also have my alien-hunting briefcase. Pretty cool. Here's a picture of me.


I got this journal about a year ago for my birthday. I thought it would be neat to keep some paranormal stuff in here, even though I've never truly seen any.


So, here's this now, I guess. My dad doesn't know that I use this journal for paranormal stuff, he just thinks it's a diary or something. So let's keep it that way.

Oh right. I should probably mention my family.

My Sister

This is my sister, Gaz. She's 10, and kinda scary. She also has weird hair, but it's purple and pointy at the ends, and smooth on the edges. It's weird. She is extremely vengeful, and she keeps to herself a lot. One time, when I took the last slice of pizza, she literally sabotaged my only chance at proving all my findings and theories were true. Here's a picture of her.


My Dad

This is my dad, Professor Membrane. Though he's rather distant, and constantly busy, he is nice...I guess.

He always feels like he's hiding something. I'm gonna find out what it is one day.


That's my family. We are...uh...well I wouldn't call us "functional" per say, but we're all still here, so that's a good sign, I think. I dunno.

Anyway, what was I writing about? Oh yeah.


My whole life I've been OBSESSED with the paranormal and proving to people that life is so much more than they think. Every few nights, I try to prove that paranormal things are real, but haven't had any luck.

Tonight, I finally heard something.

I set my sound detector on the roof and listened for strange signals. And I heard something. It was two guys talking, and this is all I got out of their conversation:

First Guy: "It's only a matter of time before All the races of the universe serve (i couldn't hear this part) empire! ."

Second Guy: "With a side of curly fries."

Now, I have no idea what they were talking about, but I think I have an idea.
Aliens are coming to EARTH.

Why? I'm not entirely sure. But the first guy made it sound like he wants us humans to serve their empire. And that's NOT happening. Not while I'm here. I tried to tell Dad and Gaz about it, but Gaz wasn't really paying attention, and Dad was yelling something about Toast.

Well, I might write in this journal again if I hear anything else. We'll see.

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