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Sunday, April 23rd, 2:38 A.M.

I know. It's late. But I can't sleep. Because 2 days ago, I experienced the most traumatic experience of my life. Sorry if it's hard for me to write. I'm still freaked out about it. And I haven't slept for 2 days. Just let me explain. But uh, fair warning: I'm about to talk about some pretty gross stuff.

It was a regular old day. Nothing was supposed to happen today. But out of nowhere, a pigeon flew in the window and sat on Zim's head as he was staring off into space. It started making noise, and Ms. Bitters told him to go to the nurse. Weird, when she got his attention, he yelled "SIR!" like it was a military command. Has Zim been in the alien military? He must have for a response like that to come out. But I don't feel any sympathy for him after what he did today. Nothing can defend the messed up crap he did today.

As Zim was walking down the hall, he probably realized that not having human organs would immediately identify him as an alien to the nurse. I was just imagining it: Zim on the autopsy table. I think I pointed it out to him too before he left. As I was making a drawing, which one kid said was "Super Graphic" and I "Shouldn' t be making drawings of Zim like that". Whatever, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, I was a little suspicious since Zim had been gone for a while. And I started noticing some...strange things about everyone.

The hall monitor kid wasn't looking too great. It was strange. I used my new x-ray goggles to try to see what was up. And the hall pass...the one Ms. Bitters gave to ZIM, was somehow...inside him.

At this point, I'm getting a little worried. Things like this started to happen to more and more people. I went to go ask the nurse if Zim had been there. She said she couldn't recall seeing a green kid. As I left, I peeked around the corner in the nurse's office, and there was a strange device that came down from the vent. It had a can of soda in it, and with a quick flash...

The soda was gone, and a brain was inside.

It took me a second to process what just happened.

Her brain was replaced with a SODA CAN.

Then I knew:

Zim was behind this.

Is he the one crawling through the vents doing this? Why is he doing this?

Then I realized.

The comment I had made about the organs earlier.


More and more people kept having this issue, and at one point, the device got DANGEROUSLY close to my head. Thankfully I dodged it.

But I'm willing to admit I was pretty terrified here.

I ran off to the boiler room to try to escape, when I heard a noise behind me.

And as I turned around...

There he was.

I can't describe what he looked like without making myself gag, so let me put it simply: he didn't even look like Zim anymore. This horrible abomination was NOT the kid who came to this school a month ago.

He chased me...I was practically running for my life.

Now you can probably figure out why I can't sleep tonight.

I just figured that after I made that comment earlier, he would skip school or make up a dumb excuse the nurse would believe or something.

I was never expecting THIS.

Even HE must know that this is TOO FAR. WAY TOO FAR.

Well, he finally caught up to me, and a strange machine that the nurse was messing with earlier that makes cow noises has ended up in my lungs. Me and Zim had managed to sit together in the nurse's office. I thought she would immediately realize something was wrong here. But she just said "What a healthy young boy! Such plentiful organs!"


Zim claimed "more organs means more human" with a weird gag in his voice.

That's not how that works, man.

Then, the nurse freaked out when she got to me.

There were a ton of news reports about a "mutant cow boy". That was fun. (that was sarcasm, it was in fact NOT fun.)

I told them that I was just really good at doing cow impressions, so they shrugged it off after a day or two.

Anyway, I'm going to try to watch some videos about alien attacks. I'm ready for Zim to be out of here. I don't think I can handle anything like this for any longer. But, I'm not too paranoid, because something tells me this was a one time thing. It was just such a crazy out there plan for someone like Zim to pull off. I knew he was evil when he showed up, but I never imagined anything like this to happen. And I'm worried. He's clearly shown me what he's capable of, and I don't think he'll go this extreme again. I think he just tried to prove a point. I hope so. Well, I'm going to sign off for now. I'll update the next time something interesting happens.

But this day won't be forgotten. It'll be remembered as "The Dark Harvest". I'll refer to it as that if I ever need to bring it up again, because I never want to tell this story again. 

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