Chapter 31

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Katie's pov
Keanu and I were eating,well,whatever we wanted to eat really.he was very creative and specific about what he wanted to eat,sometimes I worry about his digestive system but Alex is always reassuring me that his digestive system is fine,so I don't need to worry that we ate our abomination of food I felt a sharp pain come out of nowhere,"AH!"I yelled in pain.i instinctively put my hands on my stomach.Keanu widened his eyes and immediately dropped his bowl of food,"what's wrong?are you ok?!"he asked worryingly.

"I-I'm fine."i panted,"it was probably a fake contract-AGH!"I screamed again in pain.this time though water appeared on the sweatpants I was wearing,"K-Keanu,I think my water broke!"i said.Keanu widened his eyes,"we gotta get you to the hospital!"he said.He helped me stand up,"B-But what about River?"I asked in pain."I'll call him quickly,just breath ok?"he said,I nodded.

River's pov
My mom was giving me some old hand me down clothes,they're for the baby.suddenly the phone began to ring,"I'LL GET IT!"Summer yelled.but I beat her to it and answered the phone myself,"hello?"I answered."RIVER KATIE'S WATER BROKE!"Keanu yelled,I nearly dropped the phone."What?!"I exclaimed,"I'm about to drive her to the hospital right now,meet us there!"Keanu explained."hurry baby!"I heard Katie yell in pain,I then knew that this wasn't a prank or some joke:this was real.

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