Chapter 42

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Katie's pov
"Lake likes your music."

"No fucking way."

I laughed,"yes way."i said.while River was hanging out with Keanu and Alex,I was hanging out with Nirvana.crazy right?"I'm serious Dave,one time she was crying on the set of Dark Bloods.I turn on the radio and next thing I know,Big Me calms her down."i said,"speaking of Dark Bloods,is it done?cause I really wanna see it with Shelli."Krist asked."it is,but they gotta edit might take a while because of..."I cleared my throat,"anyway,it'll hopefully be done soon."i assured him."let's not worry about all that."Pat said,I nodded in agreement.Kurt,who was silent the whole time,finally spoke."I'm dating again."we all looked at him,"you are?"Krist asked.he nodded,"that's great!"i said.I hugged him,he hugged me back.

"Well,tell us about her Kurt."Dave said.Kurt froze,looking worried."Kurt?"i said,"Kurt hey,look at me,look at me."Krist said.he grabbed Kurt by his shoulders and made him face him,"you can tell us anything,you know that right?"he said.he shakily nodded,Krist let go of his shoulders.Kurt began to cry,"I-I'm already scared of those fucking vultures..."he whimpered.Kurt refers to the media as vultures,"it's gonna be ok Kurt."I assured him.I gently hugged him,I suddenly heard Lake start to cry.I sighed,I was about to get up but Kurt stopped me."it's fine,Cali can handle her."he assured me,"but isn't he watching Frances?"I asked.he was silent again,I widened my eyes:it suddenly clicked for me.

Kurt's dating Cali

"Kurt...that's wonderful!"I cheered,"what?what is it?"Dave asked."Kurt's dating Cali!"i said,Kurt widened his eyes and looked at us."Kurt and Cali huh?always knew there was something going on between you two."Pat teased,Kurt blushed in embarrassment."yeah I agree with Pat."Krist said,grinning.we all hugged him,"you guysss."he said."mind if we join in on the hug?"we heard Cali say,I turned my head and saw him standing in the middle of the living room.he was carrying Frances in a baby carrier and holding Lake in his arms,I got up from the couch and walked towards him."my little Lakey."i said as I took her from him,she giggled and began to grab onto my hair.

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