Chapter 44

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Katie's pov
Lake was watching reruns of the Bill and Ted cartoon with River in the living room.meanwhile,I was on the phone with Cali.he was crying,when I asked why he said that it was because Frances said her first words to her and Kurt."she called Kurt daddy and she called me papa,she sees me as family!"he cried,"that's amazing Cali!"i said."what's going on?"River asked,I turned around and saw him holding Lake.I put my hand on the phone,"Frances said her first words!"i said.River widened his eyes,"that's amazing!"he cheered.Lake put her hand in her mouth,"no no Lakey."i said as I took her hand out of her mouth."I'll talk to him,you can handle Lake."he said,"thanks baby."I said.I kissed him on the lips before handing him the phone and grabbing Lake from him,I gently rocked her in my arms as I carried her to the living room.

I sat her down in the playpen Kurt and Cali got her and sat down on the couch.I changed the channel a bit and noticed that this one channel was playing reruns of the Beatles cartoon,"huh,I didn't know they were showing reruns of this."i said.I was the episode where Ringo replaces the propman,because he's on vacation.the episode was also a singalong,which was cool.problem was,besides Ringo,I couldn't tell who was who."what's this?"I heard River ask,he sat down next to me."the Beatles got their own cartoon,I think this is from the 60's or 70's."I explained,"huh,weird.I can't tell who's who."he said."same here,these designs are really weird."i said,"do you think the Beatles know about this cartoon?"he asked.I shrugged,"probably."I replied.

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