Chapter 8

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Running on Empty was released and Katie and River announced that they're dating!

Katie's pov
River was currently on set for a movie he's in Called the Night in the life of Jimmy Reardon,a lot has surprisingly changed ever since River and I announced that we're was a big day though,today I was moving in with's a big step,I know.but,River and I are I prepared dinner for me and River I heard the phone ring,I walked toward it and picked it up."Hello this is Katie Banks,if you wish to speak to River Phoenix you'll have to contact his manager."I answered the phone,"Katie,cupcake it's me:dad."i widened my eyes.i gulped,"I-um-hi dad."i stammered."who's River?"he asked,"I-I-"I cleared my throat."Why are you calling dad?"I asked,"well I was in town and I wanted to see you but your mother told me you're not home."he explained.

My dad and I don't really have a...good relationship,"W-Well I won't be home for a while."i managed to speak."What?"he said,he sounded pissed.i was shaking,"I-I'm moving,I'm an actress now dad so it makes sense to-"he cut me off."I come back in town to see my little girl only to find out she's moving?!does your mother know this?!"he yelled,i gulped.shit,I didn't tell mom."uh-um-of course she knows!"I lied,the phone call then ended abruptly.i sighed and rubbed my eyes,great:now I'm stressed."Katie!I'm home!"I heard River say as I heard the front door open,I smiled and ran towards River.i hugged him gently,I was no longer stressed.

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