Chapter 41

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Katie's pov
"Rio are you ready?"I called out.we were getting ready for the premiere of Interview With a Vampire,even though River wasn't in the movie he at least wanted to show his support,and thank Christian for replacing him."yeah I'm ready."River said,he came down the stairs.he was wearing a suit,glasses,and a man bun."woah,you look beautiful baby."he said,i bushed."you look gorgeous baby."i said,he smiled and blushed."ugh get a room you two."Rain said,right I forgot she's babysitting Lake."we'll make sure to not be back so late Rainy."River said,"yeah,yeah,now go already!"she said.I laughed,"alright alright."i said as I quickly grabbed the car keys,River and I said goodbye to Lake one last time before leaving the house.

Christian's(Slater) pov
"God I'm so fucking nervous."i admitted to Brad,"it'll be fine."he tried to assure me.I sighed,"I need a smoke."I mumbled."hey!no smoking in front of the child!"I heard Kirsten say,I turned around and saw her with her hands on her hips.I laughed,"hey there Kiki."I greeted her.she smiled and hugged me,"this is so excited Christian!"she cheered."movie premieres are usually like this Kirsten."Tom said,"I hate to interrupt the conversation but they want photos."Antonio said."as always."Brad said,I laughed.

"Brad said,I laughed

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"RIVER!RIVER!OVER HERE!"we heard some people yell

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"RIVER!RIVER!OVER HERE!"we heard some people yell.I widened my eyes,"no way,no fucking way."I whispered."You aren't hearing things Christian,he's here."Tom said,a smile formed on my face.I pushed past some people,there he was:River Phoenix,and he brought his wife Katie Phoenix!she spotted me and waved,I happily waved back.River spotted me and led Katie towards me,"holy fucking shit."I thought."River!"i said,we hugged."and this must be Katie."i said,i hugged her as well."haven't been to one of these in a while,we forgot how packed they were."he said,"guess people are really excited."i said."you should be proud of yourself Christian,I bet you did an amazing job."Katie said,"T-Thanks."I stuttered.

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