Chapter 19

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No one's pov
River and Katie finally made it to Oregon.Joaquin and Liberty rented a cabin for River and Katie,they consider it a wedding gift for them.they took their stuff out from the car and loaded it into the cabin,once they were done they went up to their room and laid down on their bed."What do you want to do now?"Katie asked,River grinned."I think I have a good idea...."River said with a grin,Katie grinned as well.they then immediately began to make out,they took off all of their clothes."I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll be sore in the morning."he whispered in her ear,she grinned."ok."she consented,River grabbed a condom from the nightstand and was surprisingly able to rip it open with his teeth.he slipped the condom on his dick and positioned himself,"ready?"he asked her.she eagerly nodded,wanting River to fuck her already.

River immediately entered his dick in her entrance "F-Fuck~."Katie covered my mouth,trying to hold back her moans.River uncovered her mouth,as he went faster her moans got louder."F-Fuck!"they both moaned as River came inside her,he collapsed on top of her.they both panted,"that....was...amazing!"Katie said."i agree."River panted,he got off of Katie and laid down next to her."I love you Katie."he said,"I love you too River."she said.he gently kissed her nose,he wrapped her arms around her waist and rested his chin on top of her head.

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