Chapter 1

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"So, Yeji this is Ryujin. She will be your bodyguard" said an older man in his early forties.

Yeji looked up from her laptop meeting his dad then turned to the woman then back to the man "Dad, I don't need a bodyguard" she retorted then looked back to her laptop again.

"Now, now princess. You're new in town and Ryujin here is the perfect bodyguard. She knows every corner of this city and did I mention she knows five types of martial arts. Like that's dope!"

Yeji rolled her eyes seeing her dad act 'hip' as he calls it "I still don't need a bodyguard" she replied without looking up

"Darling, sweetie. This is not Korea, you're in San Francisco now. You can never be too safe. And you being all swag and lit, I need to make sure my baby is protected at all times and prevent boys being around her because you're daddy's little princess" said the man hugging his daughter

Yeji rolled her eyes again then turned to the woman who was still standing by the door. They made eye contact "Good morning, Miss Hwang" said Ryujin formally offering her hand which Yeji shook

"So, I'ma bounce and gon' call my wifey, my OTP or she'll go cray. Bye Felicia!" he closed the door leaving the two feeling disturbed.

"Sorry about that" Yeji started and stood up from her seat. They are currently in her office "Let me properly introduce myself. I'm—"

"Hwang Yeji, the modelling prodigy and the heir of the Hwang Corp" they shook hand for the second time "I was briefed before getting hired. Nice to meet you Miss Hwang, my name is Ryujin and I'll be your new bodyguard"

Yeji gave her a smile and a questioning look "you're a confident one" she replied

Ryujin replied with a nod and a smile

"So, now that my dad is away" said Yeji going back to her desk "you can go now, you're fired" she sat back on her leather chair and continued to do her work. Ryujin on the other hand didn't seem fazed and just stood there making Yeji look up to her again "what are you still doing here?" she asked

Ryujin smiled "You see Miss Hwang, your father hired me meaning I work for him and not you. So, you can't really fire me" she replied confidently

Yeji had a bitter smile of her face as she rested her head on her hand 'This girl is impossible' she thought thinking it'll be difficult to get this one to quit "How much is he paying you? I'll double it"

"Well Miss Hwang, you see I already signed a contract to be your bodyguard for at least two years and I'm afraid there is nothing you, me or your money can do about it"

At this point Yeji is pissed. She chuckled "Fine then. I'll play your game. So, why don't you fetch me some coffee from downstairs" she ordered looking back at her laptop. Again, Ryujin didn't move making the other girl look up again "What? Didn't you hear me? I said go get me a coffee"

Ryujin tried her best to not let out a laugh "Miss Hwang I'm not your secretary or personal assistant" she smiled "Like your father said, I'm your body guard"

Moments later and Yeji finally gave up. So, she's currently working on some paperwork's while Ryujin looked around the room which annoyed the other girl "Can you please stop? It's very irritating" she said slamming down her pen "you know what, why don't you stay outside"

Ryujin turned to the woman "Sorry" she replied and set down the figurine "Can't do that. Your father said I can't let you out of my sight"

Yeji looked at her bodyguard with a 'really?' face "What? We're in the 15th floor and the only way out is that door. It's not like I'm going to jump out of the window"

"Yeah...I still cant do that" Ryujin replied making Yeji groan "But fine. I'll stay put"

Another couple of minutes passed and Ryujin just sat on the sofa quietly while looking around the room. Yeji glanced at the person on the side of the room who is currently reading a book she took from the bookcase.

She studied her physique. Her black lob hairstyle, her olive skin under her all black suit. She watched as the other girl flip through the pages. She was so busy in her thoughts that she didn't notice Ryujin glance at her "Do you need anything, Miss Hwang?"

And with that, Yeji snapped back to reality and realized what she was doing. Feeling embarrassed she looked down at her laptop again

Lunch hour came, and Yeji was so busy with her work that she didn't realize Ryujin went out of the room. But only then noticed when the other girl stood in front of her. She looked up to the girl and met her dark brown eyes then down to her hands holding unto a brown paper bag "I got you something to eat" Ryujin presented the food

"Oh, so now you decided to give me food?" Yeji responded looking at the paper bag then back to Ryujin

Ryujin grinned "Miss Hwang, again I'm your bodyguard. I guard your body. I have to keep you safe and healthy"

"You're unbelievable" Yeji replied

"Just doing my job"

Yeji took out the contents of the bag and was surprised on what she saw. It was fish, fries and peas "you really did your research" she said grabbing her knife and fork. Ryujin saluted her and sat back on the sofa opening her book again "You're not eating?"

Ryujin looked up to her boss and smiled "I already ate"

Yeji looked at her confusedly "When?"

"While you were busy. I went out to get something to eat. Then I decided to get you some because it's bad to skip a meal"

"I swear you said my dad wanted to keep an eye on me at all times" Yeji challenged while pointing a fork towards Ryujin's direction

Ryujin grinned "Well, it was practically my break time so, that didn't count"

Yeji answered with a contented smile and nod and went back to eating her food 

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