Chapter 12

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"Your coffee, mi lady" said Ryujin setting down a cup of coffee on the desk then leaned her hands on the table

Yeji looked up and a smile crept up her face "Aww, thank you. You're a life saver" she replied.

Ryujin looked around the table and saw the mountain of papers in between them "Welp, I think I leave you to it. If you need anything, you know where to find me" she said walking to her usual spot.

They are currently on their way back home, Ryujin looked through the rear view mirror and saw Yeji dozing off making her smile 'she's so cute' she told herself and focused on the road ones again.

When they got home, Ryujin turned and saw the other girl already fast asleep. So, she got out of the car and went to open the back door. She caressed the girl's cheek trying to wake her up but the other girl just groaned "Come on sleeping beauty, we're home" The other girl sat up and raised her arms wanting to be carried

Ryujin laughed "Come on, then" she said and carried the girl on her back. Once they got in the room, Ryujin set the girl on her bed and took off her shoes then placed the duvet on top of her "Sleep tight" she said and kissed Yeji's forehead.

The next day, Ryujin's having her morning coffee when she heard someone scurrying upstairs. Looking up the stairs she saw Yeji putting on her heels "I'm late" said the girl

So, she put on her blazer and opened the car door "Good morning to you too" she said then closed the door after the girl.

Sighing, Yeji leaned from her desk and turned to the girl on her usual position with a book on her hand. Just looking at the girl brought out a smile on her face. Ryujin seemed to notice someone looking at her so, she turned to her boss and met her gaze. She smiled "You, ok?" she asked

Yeji reciprocated the smile "Better now" she replied.

Ryujin closed her book and walked out the door leaving her boss with a confused expression. Minutes passed, and she came back with a brown paper bag in hand. She placed it down the table earning yet another confused look "you didn't have breakfast this morning. How many times do I have to tell you to not skip it?"

Yeji took out the chocolate chip muffin out of the bag "As you saw, I didn't have time" she replied taking a bite with a moan "this is so good"

Ryujin leaned on the table "So, I was thinking. Why don't you take a break? Maybe I could take you to the farm again?" she suggested.

"Aww, babe. I'd love that, but I can't. I have deadlines coming up and there's still a lot of things to do"

"Come on, just this weekend" Ryujin pleaded Yeji looked up to her girlfriend "I promise you'll have fun and by Monday you'll be as good as new"

"Well, I guess I could take this weekend off" Yeji replied.

Saturday morning and Yeji woke up in a foreign yet familiar room. She looked around and relaxed, she inhaled the fresh air of the farm. She heard a knock on the door and Ryujin peaked her head "Good morning" she greeted and placed the tray of food on the girl's bed "I bought you breakfast...well lunch"

"What? What time is it?" Yeji asked

"One in the afternoon" Ryujin replied taking a piece of toast "I didn't want to wake you up. You were so tired"

Yeji looked at the tray then back to the girl "Thank you" she smiled

"Anything for you" replied Ryujin and gave the girl a kiss on the cheek "Eat up"

"So, what do you have in your sleeve for today?" Yeji asked and took a bite of the toast with a homemade jam spread

Ryujin smiled "Well, like I said, today will be your day off. So today, you're a princess"

Yeji laughed "and what is your position on this"

"Well, as always, I am but your humble servant, mi lady" said Ryujin making Yeji laugh.

Evening came, and the couple sat on the swing watching the sun set. Yeji rested her head on Ryujin's shoulders and played on the girls' fingers that is intertwined with hers "Thank you by the way. I really needed a time off" she said breaking the silence

Ryujin turned to the girl and kissed her head "You've been working so such. You had to take a break"

Yeji sighed "I wish, we could just stay like this forever. No stress, no deadlines. Just you and me"

Ryujin smiled and looked at their hands "A wise woman ones told me life is full of ups and downs and for you to be able to be happy you have to face it"

Yeji scoffed realizing she was the one who said that "Using my words against me, huh?"

Smiling Ryujin raised Yeji's hand to her lips "You're one of the most intelligent, strongest person I know. So, I know you're going to kill it. You always do. And if you need anything, just remember that I'm always here beside you"

Yeji snaked her arms around Ryujin's arm "I know you are, thank you" she replied and rested her head back on Ryujin's shoulder. Silence invaded the air again "what are you thinking about?"

Ryujin turned to Yeji with their hands still connected to each other. She didn't say anything and just tried to memorize every feature of Yeji's face

Yeji looked at her confusedly making Ryujin smile "what? Is there something on my face?"

Ryujin shook her head "Gosh, I still can't believe out of all seven billion people in the world, you picked me" she said. Yeji scoffed and slapped Ryujin's arm

"You are so cheesy" she replied smiling. She caressed the other girl's cheeks "Yes, you're right. There are billions out there. But I could never imagine being with someone else" she paused "do you know why?" she asked. Ryujin didn't answer. "because they're not you"

Ryujin smiled "Who's cheesy now?" she replied and capped her cheeks then gave her a kiss on the forehead "I love you"

"I love you more" Yeji replied

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