Chapter 10

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"Hey, do you want to go have lunch?" Yeji asked the person seating on the sofa. Ryujin didn't answer "Ryujin!" she shouted

The other girl finally looked up "hmm?" she hummed

"I was asking if you wanted to have lunch" Yeji repeated "is everything ok?" she asked worriedly

"Ah, yeah" Ryujin replied

"So, lunch?"

"Uhm...I. Ah. I have somewhere to go to for lunch today"

"Hmm? Where?" Yeji asked curiously

"Ah. A f-friend asked me to have lunch. Sorry" Ryujin lied

"Oh, ok. Next time then?"


The next couple of days, Yeji noticed Ryujin getting more and more distant towards her so, she asked Jisu and Soobin for advice. "Maybe she's just on her red days" Soobin replied

"I guess" Yeji said "but I feel something else. She's different now"

"What do you mean different?" Jisu asked

"I don't know, I can't explain it. Like whenever I ask her out, she just comes out with an excuse. Also when I try to talk to her, she just responds very bluntly" Yeji explained

"Hmm... do you think she's seeing someone?!" Soobin asked

"I don't know. I don't think so. She didn't tell me" Yeji replied

"I don't think she does. Because I still can see that spark in her eyes when she looks at you" Jisu explained

"How?" Yeji asked

"Watch" said Jisu "Ryujin come quick, something happened to Yeji!" she shouted

Ryujin came bursting in the room and quickly turned to Yeji "Is everything ok?" she asked worriedly studying Yeji

"See" Jisu said making a point "Nothing dear"

Ryujin was still undecided whether to leave the room or not "I'm fine, Ryujin. Jisu was just being a dick" said Yeji and Ryujin nodded and closed the door again "So what now?"

"Just give her time I guess. Maybe she'll go back to the way she was" said Jisu.

Days passed again, and same result Ryujin's been quiet and it's killing Yeji. She knows what Jisu said about giving her time, but she couldn't take it anymore. "Ryujin?" she said looking at the girl

"Yeah?" Ryujin asked looking up from her book

"Uhm... is everything I mean between us?"

Ryujin struggled to answer "Uhm... yeah. Everything's ok. Why?"

"Well, its just... well. You've been so distant lately and... it's worrying me"

"Oh, uhm. Erh" she scratched the back of her head "Uhm...I'm sorry. Everything's fine. Uhm. Look its lunch. I'll see you after break" Ryujin tried to escape but Yeji slammed the door shut.

"Tell me what's going on?" asked Yeji sternly

"Nothing" Ryujin replied

"I don't believe you"

"Look, Yeji. It's lunch time I'm just hungry" Ryujin tried to reason and opened the door again but to no avail the smaller girl slammed it shut again

"Dammit Ryujin!" Yeji said furiously "You've been so quiet lately, you don't talk to me anymore. You always find a way to avoid me. What is it Ryujin?!"

Ryujin gulped "Me avoid you? Why would I avoid you?" she played innocently

"Fucks sake Ryujin. What's wrong?!" shouted Yeji getting impatient "You acting like that is getting harder and harder for me to handle because I don't want to see the person I love disappear from my life"

Ryujin was taken aback 'she loves me? nah I just heard that wrong. Like why would she right? Man crushing on you boss is nuts' "What did you say?" she asked softly

"Dammit Ryujin I said I love you, ok!" she paused "I have been for a long time now"

Ryujin still processing everything in her head couldn't say anything. But then spoke up "You can't" she said almost to a whisper.

"Why?!" Yeji asked grabbing Ryujin's hands. She is tearing up now


"Because what?!"

"Because you're my boss ok and, and that's not professional" Ryujin tried to reason. 

"Bullshit Ryujin!" Yeji turned away from her wiping her tears then back to the girl again "Tell me, why not? Why can't you?"

"Fucks sake, Yeji I do love you ok!" Ryujin spat back "You don't know how hard it is to supress these feelings that only grow every day"

"Why?" Yeji's voice broke

"Because I'm scared ok. I'm scared that one day you'll find someone better and leave me and then everything we had will just be in the past" she paused " And I don't like that. I'd rather be your friend forever than be your lover temporarily"

Yeji grabbed Ryujin's cheeks and rested her forehead on hers. "I would never do that to you" said Yeji looking into Ryujin's eyes then closed it "Trust me ok? When you love someone, you have to take some risk. There are ups and downs in life and for you to be able to be happy to have to face it. It's life" she opened her eyes again and met Ryujin's "Are willing you take that risk for me too?" 

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