Chapter 4

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The next couple of days consist of Yeji secretly glancing at her bodyguard. She kept stealing glances at the girl whenever they're alone in the room. She couldn't help but to look into the girls' eyes, nose and lips whenever she talks.

But every time she notices what she is doing, she kept shaking the thoughts off her mind 'I'm going crazy' she thought.

They're currently in the office waiting for a client. Yeji is seating inside the board room while Ryujin speaks with one of the caterers. Yeji rested her right hand on the arm on the chair and leaned her head while watching her bodyguard outside the glass wall.

Ryujin is wearing her usual white shirt paired with black trousers matching her black blazer. She studied the girl from head to toe. This time Ryujin noticed that someone was looking at her so, she turned to Yeji and went inside the room "Can I help you with anything, Miss Hwang?" she asked.

" I'm fine. Thank you." the girl replied feeling her cheeks turn a darker shade

Ryujin noticed "Are you ok?" she asked walking towards her boss "Are you feeling ok? You look flushed" she checked the girls' temperature. Yeji shuddered with the girls' touch "Your temperature is normal"

"I'm fine" Yeji reassured and took Ryujin's hand from her forehead. Their hands stayed with each other for a couple of seconds until she noticed and let go "I...uhm are they here yet?" she asked

"Ah...your secretary told me that they called and said they're on their way" Ryujin replied feeling a bit uneasy from that interaction.

"Ok" Yeji replied

"I...uhm. I'll be outside when you need me" said Ryujin and her boss nodded in reply.

When Ryujin closed the door, Yeji sighed and covered her face with her hands still smelling a hint of Ryujin's scent on her hand 'What is happening to me?' she asked herself 'It's probably just an infatuation. It'll go away'

Ryujin on the other hand looked through the glass wall and saw Yeji 'I wonder if she's really ok'

One weekend, Ryujin has a week off and Yeji came with her. It wasn't her choice obviously, she was forced by her parents. They told her to have a break from working too much because they've seen her work non-stop these couple of days. Well, that's her normal self but she does more. If only they know the reason why she works like that is because she wants to divert her attention away from person dominating her thoughts.

They took one of the cars so that they won't have to travel by public transport. The drive there was mostly quiet with a brief conversation now and then.

After a couple of hours, they stopped in front of a metal fence. Yeji looked out the window and saw a plaque with a 'Shin RJ Winery' carved on it.

The gate opened automatically, and Ryujin drove in. Still looking out the window Yeji was at awe on how wide the land is, and it's filled with grape vines. There's a mountain not far from the vineyard.

They arrived at the second gate and Yeji saw a black metal gate with a cursive SRJ in the middle. Just like the first gate it opened, and Ryujin drove in.

Then after a couple of minutes a massive French chateau came into view and Yeji's jaw dropped.

She saw a fountain by the driveway and Ryujin stopped by the front door where a line of maids stood, and two figures stood in the middle. Yeji turned to Ryujin who was unbuckling her seatbelt "You didn't tell me you're rich"

Ryujin shrugged "I ain't. Well, we're not rich. We're more like, living comfortable" she replied "Ready?"

She got out of the car and opened the door for Yeji. The maids and butlers bowed down as the two figures went down the stairs "Ryujin, ma cherie" the woman probably in her eighties greeted her granddaughter

"Grandma!" Ryujin hugged the older woman "Grandpa!" she also hugged her grandfather

"How is our only grandchild?" Hugo asked

"Gramps, I'm your only grandchild" said Ryujin "But I'm better now that I'm home"

Aimee turned to the person behind Ryujin "And who might this beautiful woman be?" she asked smiling at Yeji then turned to Ryujin "Is she your girlfriend?" she asked making Yeji blush

"Grammy, no. Uhm..." Ryujin stood beside Yeji "Gramps meet Yeji" she turned to the girl "my boss" then turned to the pair again "Miss Hwang, meet my grandparents, Hugo and Aimee"

Yeji reached out a hand, but the pair just looked at it and smiled "We don't do handshakes here dearie. Come here" said Aimee and hugged the younger woman

Hugo also hugged her "You know that you're the first person she brought here?"

"Gramps" said Ryujin on the background

"Really? I don't see any reason why?" Yeji turned to Ryujin

"Well, why don't we continue this chat inside so you two can have some snacks before you rest" Aimee invited them in.

When they went in, Yeji is at awe. The inside of the villa looks like a castle with cappuccino antique marble flooring and columns, candle wall lights, and the grand piano on the center completed the look. The house is like a mixture of Spanish and Italian architecture.

"Your house is beautiful Mr and Mrs Shin" said Yeji seating on the white sofa

"Oh sweetie, just call us Aimee and Hugo" the older woman said smiling "why merci, we're hoping to pass it to Ryujin on day for her and her future family" she turned to her granddaughter who's serving them some iced tea and snacks

"Well, that's very kind of you" Yeji replied and turned to Ryujin who's now seating next to her "maybe I can visit in the future too"

"Aww darling. You're welcome to visit here anytime" Hugo replied

"Why don't you just marry Ryujin. So, you can stay here" Aimee suggested making Ryujin choke on her drink and Yeji blush

"Gramps, gran" said Ryujin 

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