Chapter 19

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Days passed, and Ryujin's grandfather has been buried and now she's back at the Hwang mansion. Like she said, she'll be training Yeji's new bodyguard. They are currently at the kitchen while Yeji is in the living room with Jisu and Soobin

"So, you guys are fine now?" asked Jisu

"I don't know, I guess?" Yeji replied looking at the pair in the kitchen

"Isn't it kinda awkward with you two being broken up already and she's still your bodyguard?" Soobin asked

"Well, she said she's just waiting for the contract to end" Yeji replied.

The pair noticed the change in the atmosphere when she said that "Base on your reaction, I'm guessing you don't want her to leave" said Jisu

"Guys, we already talked about this and I'm ok with it" Yeji lied. She knew deep down inside her that she wants Ryujin to stay.

"Are you really sure?" Soobin asked sipping his drink

"I agree with Binnie. You're saying that you're okay with it but your eyes are saying otherwise" Jisu commented.

"Like I said, she already made up her mind" said Yeji

The pair thought of a solution "what if we could help you get her back?" asked Jisu "clearly you two still like each other"

"What are you saying?" asked Yeji curiously

"What if we help you and Ryujin get back together?" said Jisu

"But—" Yeji was about to say something, but Soobin intervened

"Do you still want to get your girl back?" he said Yeji didn't reply "Ok, imagine this. Let's say you let her go like you two planned. Will you be able to handle her moving on, without you? Having other relationships?"

"If it makes her happy, why not?" Yeji replied

"But what will make you happy?" Jisu asked. Yeji couldn't answer for a second "in love sometimes, it's ok to be selfish"

So, they are currently in the pool "we're not doing the 'trying to impress' her routine this time because you suck at it" said Soobin "so, why don't we try the seduction route. You being a model and all, it should be easy. Go on"

Yeji took off her robe letting it drop on the ground revealing her toned body under a laced red two piece bathing suit. Ryujin and Minju who were not that far from the pool didn't seem to see the big reveal "Isn't it hot in here!" said Soobin making the pair turn to them

Ryujin saw Yeji and couldn't help but to gulp. Though their relationship is rocky right now she couldn't help but to admire the other girl's physique. Her long wave chocolate hair. Her blemish free porcelain skin. Toned arms and legs.

"Oi bodyguard! Help your boss with her sunscreen" shouted Jisu

They saw Ryujin whisper something to Minju who ran towards them "I'll help you put on sunscreen Miss Hwang" said Minju. Usually when Yeji goes for a swim, Ryujin helps her put on sunscreen.

"Maybe it'll make her jealous" whispered Soobin. But Ryujin was busy talking to the driver about something. No luck.

"Thank you" Yeji told Minju. Then the other girl joined Ryujin again.

"Don't worry, we still have cards on our sleeve" said Jisu "It's obvious that she still cares about you so, why don't you pretend like you're drowning or something. She might give you CPR"

So, Yeji jumped in the pool and swam on the deep part then started acting like she's drowning "Help!" she shouted. Minju quickly dove in the pool and grabbed Yeji while Ryujin stood by the pool, hands on her waist with a poker face on.

Minju dragged Yeji to the edge towards Ryujin "Really?" she asked the girl as she got out of the pool

"What didn't you see I was drowning, some bodyguard you are" said Yeji drying herself with a towel "Thank you, Minju"

Ryujin rolled her eyes with a smile "who are you trying to fool? I know you can swim" The other pain on the other side facepalmed

Days passed again, and they are currently in the gym. Ryujin is teaching Minju some moves while the trio sat in a bench resting "Mhmm...that girl is getting hotter and hotter" said Soobin making the two turn to him "What? Is it a sin to compliment someone?" he said "So, what are we going to do next?"

"I don't know" Jisu asked

"Our plans are failing, again. I swear everytime we do this, life has a funny way of shutting it down" said Soobin

"Maybe, I'll just tell her" Yeji replied making the pair laugh

"You serious?" Jisu asked. Yeji was doing some kicks on the punching bag when she landed weirdly making her fall on the ground groaning.

Ryujin saw this and ran after her "Are you ok? What happened?" she asked frantically

"I'm fine, I think I just twisted my ankle" Yeji replied

"Let me see" said Ryujin checking the other girls' foot "Ok, it doesn't look serious. Lets call it a day" she told the others then turned to her boss "lets get you fixed up"

"I can do that for her" Minju volunteered

"No, it's fine. I cant take it from here" Ryujin reassured her and carried Yeji bridal style upstairs making the other girl blush and the other pair high five.

Ones they got into her room, Ryujin set her on the bed and took the first aid kit "How many times do I have to tell you to be careful. What were you doing?" she said wrapping Yeji's foot with a bandage

"Maybe, I just wanted to get your attention" Yeji whispered so the other girl couldn't hear

Ryujin looked up to the girl "How can I leave you like this?"

"Then don't leave" Yeji held Ryujin's cheeks 

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