Chapter 17

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Yeji sat in the club re-playing what just had happened that day. Yeah, she still went. What a bitch right. "This is not working out anymore" Yeji replied

"And it finally came out" Ryujin responded bitterly


"Don't call me that!"

Yeji didn't reply

"Was it because of him?!" Ryujin asked "I've heard stories Yeji. From the media, your friends, your parents. Let me ask you this, did you even love me? Huh? Or was I just a rebound?"

Yeji didn't reply

"Answer me dammit!" Ryujin insisted. "I think I got my answer" she added and walked out the door slamming it close.

"Hey, are you ok?" Yeonjun asked the girl seating next to him. Yeji turned to him and paused for a moment. She then sealed her lips with his. It only lasted a second or two "what was that for?" the man asked

"Just trying to prove a point" Yeji replied taking out a bill from her purse then setting it on the table "I have to go"

"Where are you going?" Yeonjun asked

"I have to get her back" Yeji replied and walked out without turning back. "Ryujin!" she shouted when she got to the house. She went to the kitchen, the garden, to her room, but the girl was no where to be found "Ryujin!"

"Sweetie! What is going on?" her dad asked

"Dad, have you seen Ryujin?" Yeji replied

"She asked to go home, why what is happening?" Mr. Hwang asked checking his daughter

"Dad, I need to see her. I made a huge mistake!" Yeji replied who was in tears now.

"Baby, shh.... It's fine. Calm down" said Mr. Hwang making his daughter sit on the couch "why don't you tell me what happened? Did you guys have a fight?"

"I-I was stupid. She was telling me I've been spending too much time with Yeonjun. Then we shouted at each other. Then...then I-I broke up with her. So, I was angry and went to the bar with Yeonjun. Then I kissed him because I wanted to see if I really do like him and no I don't. So, now I have to fix everything" Yeji panicked "I have to go find her"

"Wait" Mr. Hwang stopped his daughter "let her cool off. And you too. Give her time. Everything is sinking in right now so, calm down. And it's late, something might happen to you"

"But dad, I need to find her" Yeji insisted

"Darling, calm down. Let it simmer down first, ok? She'll come through" said Mr. Hwang comforting her

"And what if she dont. I'm scared dad"

"She will. If she loves you. Then she will" Mr. Hwang replied while comforting his sobbing daughter. 

The next morning Yeji is in a room walking back and forth "I fucked up" she said turning to the pair seating not far from her

"You think?" Soobin replied

"What do I need to do?" Yeji asked

"And now you're asking us? Why don't you ask those plastic friends of yours" Soobin retorted earning an elbow from the girl seating next to her

"I'm sorry. I was blinded by fame. I-I was consumed by it that I couldn't see those people who genuinely cares about me" said Yeji remembering what Ryujin told her. She turned to Jisu who haven't spoken a work yet "I-I'm sorry I didn't attend your birthday. I promise I'll make it up to you"

Jisu stood up from her seat and walked up to the girl "You know I can forgive you skipping my birthday because I know how busy you are with managing the company and your with your modelling career. But hurting the people you love? Ryujin loves you. She put you first in everything. Do you know she worries for you everytime she's not around you? She waits for you late at night when you go out. She makes sure you eat right. Man, that girl would go through hell and back just to see you safe and happy. But what did you do?"

Yeji is in tears now realizing how much she messed up

"If you aren't our friend, you'd be in the hospital by now" Soobin paused "Ryujin's only objective was to make you happy even though it's breaking her inside already. We saw that girl fall apart in front of our eyes yet she puts on a smile when she sees you"

"She kept saying, she trusts you and that you wouldn't do nothing to hurt her. We too were thinking the same because we know you. We were there when you two started, we were there when you promised her to trust you" said Jisu "We shouldn't have forced you in the first place if only we knew it'll end this way"

There was a moment of silence

"You're still our friend so, word of advice give her some time to think" said Jisu

Yeji nodded

"God, we missed you" said Soobin hugging the shorter girl

"Does that mean, we're good?" the other girl asked

"Only of you promise to get us in to your next show" said Soobin

"Deal" Yeji replied hugging them

"Promise us, you won't hurt Ryujin anymore" said Jisu making Yeji nod "we've seen her shed too much tears"

"Where is she?" the girl asked "dad told me, she took a leave"

"She's probably at the farm" Soobin asked

"Remember what I said, give her time"

"I will"

"Can I see some of your dresses now?" Soobin asked earning a slap on the back of the head from Jisu "

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