Chapter 6

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The next morning, Hugo decided to teach Yeji how to make wine the old fashioned way. He placed a bunch of grapes on a huge wooden bucket "Hop in" he told Yeji. The young woman stepped in the bucket and started marching on the grapes

"Can't you use machines? I'm sure it'll get better results" Yeji suggested

Hugo smiled "We could but that won't be fun would it?"

Ryujin leaned by the door watching her grandfather and her boss squish grape in a giant bucket and couldn't help but smile "Oh, Ryujin. There you are" Hugo said noticing the figure by the door

"You two look like you're having fun" Ryujin said walking towards the pair

"Hugo's teaching me how to make wine" Yeji replied

"I can see" said Ryujin

Hugo got off the bucket "Why don't you help her? I don't think my knees are as strong as it was before" he said while wiping his feet

After washing her feet, Ryujin joined Yeji. Hugo and Aimee sat on the side watching the duo laughing "Don't they remind you of us when we were at that age?" Hugo asked

Aimee smiled and rested her head on her husband shoulder "Good old times" she replied.

Yeji slipped and almost fell but Ryujin was there to catch her. Their faces are so close to each other again. It stayed like that for a couple of seconds, but a sudden flash broke them off. They turned to the older couple with Aimee holding a camera "Remembrance" she shouted

They both fixed themselves up again "be careful, it can be very slippery" said Ryujin and Yeji nodded.

At the end of the day Yeji saw Ryujin at the back of the villa so, she joined her. She saw what the other girl was staring at. It was Hugo and Aimee seating on a swing bench not far from the house. The sun is setting giving out an orange light making everything so peaceful

"I want to find forever like the one they have" said Ryujin still looking at her grandparents

"Maybe one day, you will" Yeji replied and sat on the steps. Ryujin joined her "you never know, that person might be someone near you already" said Yeji making Ryujin look at her.

Ryujin was about to say something but nodded instead then turned to the view again "I hope so" she replied. She then felt Yeji head rest on her shoulders. She tensed a bit but then relaxed afterwards and rested hers on the girls' head

They're back in the city and Yeji is inside her office again talking to Jisu and Soobin while Ryujin is somewhere outside the door. "So, how was your little trip with Miss Sexy Bodyguard?" Jisu asked

"Can you stop calling her that?" Yeji rolled her eyes

"Ok, ok" Jisu raised her arms "But how was your escapade though?"

"It was actually fun. I had the chance to meet her grandparents" Yeji smiled remembering the times in the farm

"You what?!" Soobin said in shock "you already met her grandparents? Gurl! You're in that base already?!"

"What are you talking about? What base?" Yeji asked

"Your relationship with her is deeper than I thought" Soobin added making Yeji give him a confused look "Girl, you see there are types of relationships. There's the typical 'in a relationship', fling, with benefits, just friends, or the serious one. I think you have a serious one with you having already met her family members"

"Yeji, I think I agree with him on this one. When I was in a relationship. I never let them meet my parents. Well, not until I think they're the right one" Jisu added

"Guys, can you chill. I was just there for a vacation. And Ryujin and I are just friends, ok?" Yeji told her friends.

"Mhmm. Let me ask you this. Does her family like you?" Soobin asked

"I guess" Yeji replied

"Do they ship you?"


"Ship? Like do they want you two to hook up?" Soobin explained

Yeji thought for a second "Well, they sometimes tease us. But that's nothing serious. They were only joking"

"Aha, sure" Soobin replied

"Yeji, darling. Can I ask you a question?" Jisu asked making the other girl turned to her.

"What?" Yeji asked

"Tell me the truth ok. Do you like her?" Jisu asked surprising Yeji

"What?!" Yeji asked "What? Me? No!"

"Mhmm. I think we already know the answer to that" Soobin told Jisu.

"What do you mean you already know the answer? I just told you I don't like her that way" Yeji retorted.

"Ok, why do you always steal glances towards her? Why do you sometimes stutter when you're talking to her? Why does sometimes you can't even look at her? Why do you look jealous sometimes when she's talking to someone else? You're all happy when you see her like your eyes twinkle whenever she's near. You're wearing more make up now" Jisu explained

"I have perfectly good reason for those things" Yeji replied, and the pair waited for her response. Yeji sighed "Argh! Ok fine.Fuck, I think I'm starting to like her"

"Told you!" Soobin shouted and gave Yeji a hug "So, proud you of. You're growing up. My little baby is crushing"

"So, what do I do? Should I just leave it? What if she doesn't like me back?" Yeji panicked

"Well, lucky for you, you have us" Jisu replied "Mission, make her fall in love commence" 

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