Chapter 20

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Weeks have passed, and the trio have failed yet again. "Why can't you just tell her straight on? Be like don't go. I love you. Stay. You know like normal people rather than giving her hints" said Soobin. They are currently inside Yeji's bedroom

"Yeah, I think it's time you guys have another talk" said Jisu "Cause honestly I'm running out of ideas. No offense but that girl is dull as fuck"

"B-But what should I tell her?" asked Yeji "what if this goes wrong?"

"Yeji, chill" said Jisu comforting her best friend. "What happened to that cool, badass Yeji Hwang we know. That girl just came in your life and now you're like a puppy"

"Just be honest with her. If she changes her mind then well done, get married. But if she doesn't then... then we'll just have to accept it or... I'll kidnap her and force her to marry you" joked Soobin.

"Go get your girl" said Jisu.

So, Yeji ran out of the room and search for Ryujin. She asked Dani their driver "I haven't seen her today Miss Hwang" he replied

She then went to the kitchen, but no luck. To the gym where she spends most of her time, but no Ryujin. "Have you guys seen, Ryujin?" she asked the maids

"She's probably with Minju" said Lola

"Thanks" Yeji replied and went to the back garden where she saw Minju "hey, where's Ryujin?" she asked out of breath

"Miss Hwang are you ok?" Minju asked

"Ryujin? Where is she?" Yeji asked again

"She just went up to her room" Minju replied. And before she could say another word, Yeji ran off.

Taking two steps up the stairs, Yeji hurried up to Ryujin's room. When she got there, she didn't even bother knocking, she just burst in. "Ryujin" she said looking around the room. But...nothing. The room was neatly fixed, the cabinets are empty, and no Ryujin in sight.

So, she went out of the room where she met one of the maids "Where is Ryujin?" she asked

"Oh Miss Hwang, you missed her. She just went out" the woman said

Again, Yeji ran down the stairs and finally saw a familiar figure about to exit the door "So, you're just going to leave like that?" she asked

Ryujin hesitated to look back at first but then did after "I thought it'd be easier to just go" she said "you know, no goodbyes and all"

Yeji walked closer towards the other girl. At this point she knows talking to this girl about staying has no point because they already talked about it. So, she did what she's good at, bossing her around "You know, the contract states that you still have today. So, that means, you're still my employee"

Ryujin snickered "what can I be in service for Miss Hwang?"

So, they are currently in bed. And, no. It's not what you're thinking about. Yeji lay in Ryujin's arm playing with the other girl's hand while Ryujin watched. They didn't say a word to each other, just feeling each other's breaths, heartbeat, presence.

"I wish I could turn back time" said Yeji "Or even pause it so we can just stay like this"

"What do you have a time stone or something? Be careful Thanos is looking for it" joked Ryujin receiving a small slap from the other girl

"I'm serious, I wish it was just the two of us you know. No problems, no stress, no work. Just you and me"

"You sure about that? Cuz if theres just the two of us then there will be no people to work power plants. So, no electricity, no wi-fi. And if the world paused or stopped spinning then it would cause a disaster, planes falling to the ground. One part of the earth would be super cold and the other very hot. Man, that would suck"

"Do you have to ruin the moment?"

"Sorry" said Ryujin "though, it would be nice just being the two of us you know" she paused "but then humans would become extinct cus we're both girls and we can't pro-create. But then, if one of us is a dude, that would also cause problem with our kids, you know inbreeding and stuff, Nasty"

"Really?" said an annoyed Yeji

"Sorry, sorry. Fine, I'll stay quiet"

"I don't want you to leave" said Yeji finally

Ryujin didn't reply because she knows the other girl still has more things to say.

"I've been so stupid, yet you stayed" she paused and looked up at Ryujin who was smiling "I know you're going to say it's your job" she pinched the other girl's side "Stop, I'm being emotional here" she said "My former bodyguards, yes they say they care about me and stuff, but its their job. But you...I saw more. You care for me like—"

"like you're the Queen of England?"

"Yeah, no. What?"

Ryujin sat up and used her arm for support facing the other girl "Yeji, you're one of the most important person in my life right now and I would do anything to keep you safe"

Yeji smiled and caressed Ryujin's cheek "I know you do" but then her face turned gloomy "But I did stupid things that pushed you away from me"

"Hey, hey. Yeji, I'm still here" said Ryujin "remember what I told you, I will always be here for you"

Yeji forced a smile, but tears flowed down her cheeks

"I may not be your bodyguard anymore or I won't be living here anymore but, I will always be a call away"

"I know" replied Yeji and told Ryujin to lay back down and they laid back to their original position. They stayed like that like a couple of minutes when suddenly, Yeji buried her face on Ryujin's neck pulling her even closer. Ryujin was confused at first but then she felt the girl sob quietly, so she placed her arms around the girl and just held her.

For hours they just laid there with Ryujin playing with the other girl's hair. Moments passed, and Yeji feel asleep. So, though it was against her will to just leave like that Ryujin carefully got out of bed and took her things.

Before leaving, she knelt by the bed. "I love you, you know that right?" she whispered not wanting the girl to wake up. "I know it's hard but it's for the both of us to grow" she added tucking a lose strand of hair behind the girl's ear "I hope one day you can forgive me for this" she smiled holding the tears back but failed "I love you Yeji Hwang" she kissed the girl on the temple and went to the door shutting it close

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