Chapter 18

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The next day, as advised, Yeji gave Ryujin some time to think and cool off and give her the chance to come and talk to her in her own terms. So, she's currently in her office doing some paperwork as usual when she heard a knock.

Her heart pounded twice as fast as the door slowly opened and revealed a woman in a black suit "Good Morning, Miss Hwang" the girl greeted her.

"Who are you?" Yeji asked to her disappointment it wasn't who she was expecting.

The woman composed herself "My name is Minju, I will be substituting Miss Ryujin while she's on leave"

"Oh, ok" Yeji replied

"Uhm... sorry Ma'am but, should I stand outside or something. What would you prefer?" Minju asked. And just as she said that an image of Ryujin flashed before Yeji remembering their first meeting.

"It's fine, you can stay here" Yeji answered

During the day, Yeji kept glancing at the woman in the sofa thinking it was that certain someone. She kept imagining that it was Ryujin who would smile at her when she catches Yeji staring, but it wasn't so she'd just look back down.

"Is everything ok, Miss Hwang?" the woman asked and for some weird reason, Yeji thought it was Ryujin because they have the same pitch.

Caught off guard Yeji replied "U-uhm... yeah. I'm fine" she stammered.

"I heard Miss Ryujin's grandfather died, that's why she took a leave" said Minju

"Sorry, what?" Yeji asked

"I heard from your dad that Miss Ryujin's grandfather died because of a heart attack, that's why she took a break" Minju repeated. Yeji got out of her seat "Miss Hwang, where are you going?" Minju asked running after her boss.

"Go get the car, now!" she ordered

Yeji walked in the villa and saw people in white seating and a casket up front. She saw Aimee standing beside her husband. Yeji walked up to her and placed a hand on the older woman's shoulder.

Aimee turned to face the stranger and saw Yeji who she quickly hugged "I offer my condolences" said Yeji

"Thank you" the older woman replied

"Grams" said a familiar voice just behind making them turn. Ryujin surprised to see the other girl "Yeji?"

The shorter girl gave her a comforting hug "I am so sorry" said Yeji "If I only knew, I could've been here sooner" Ryujin didn't reply probably because she's still surprised to see her there. Yeji broke off the embrace "Uhm... I brought flowers"

Ryujin turned to the girl in a suit "Thank you"

So, they are at the back by the oak tree with no one saying a word, though the air was tense. Both of them wanting to say something but words are not coming out. "I'm just finishing the terms in the contract, then uhm... I'll quit" said Ryujin finally.

Yeji turned to the girl "Ryujin" she replied holding unto Ryujin's hands "I-I made a really big mista—"

"No, Yeji" Ryujin stopped her "You were right. Our relationship wasn't working out no more and... I guess this is really not the right time for us" she paused and looked at the other girl "You have your company to take care of and your modelling career with it"

"What do you want me to do?" Yeji is sobbing now "What do you want me to do to make you stay? Do you want me to quit? Because I can do that for you"

Ryujin got up form her seat and knelt in front of the other girl "Shh" she wiped Yeji's cheeks "No, no. I don't want you to do that. That's your dream remember?"

"But I want you" Yeji cried

"Yeji" said Ryujin trying to soothe the other girl "Like you said, we've only known each other for just over a year and being a model, you've dreamed about that since you were what five? Yeji listen to me ok"

"No!" Yeji retorted

"You'll do great, ok? Us? Maybe our timing was wrong. We don't know, maybe in the future we'll meet each other again. Or better yet, you'll find someone who'll love you as much as much as I did, or more"

"But I want you"

"Yeji, don't worry about me, ok? Grams needs me more now and if we ever get back together now, I think it'll end even worse. So, listen to me ok? I need you to go back and continue doing your best like you always do. I will come back in a couple of days ones this is over. I will train your new bodyguard until I know I can leave you in safe hands"

"What happens after the contract ends?"

Ryujin paused for a moment and looked into the girl's eyes "I want you to move on"

"I can never do that. I don't think I can ever do that"

"Yeji, I need you to be strong. This is for our own good. I know in the future you'll be this great business CEO who's also walking down Paris fashion week, rocking what ever you're wearing. And I... Always remember that I will be supporting you every step of the way"

Yeji pulled Ryujin into a tight hug

"This is not a goodbye" said Ryujin pulling off then wiping Yeji's eyes again "Yeji Hwang, you are one of the best people that came into my life" she said taking the girl's hands ones more "You taught me to take risks. So now, I'm taking one. I'm setting you free"

She stood up and helped Yeji to get up

Still holding unto each other's hands, Ryujin rested her forehead on the other girls' "I love you"

"I love you too" Yeji sobbed quietly

Ryujin kissed her on the forehead. Yeji wrapped her arms around the taller girls' waist "I love you more"

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