Chapter 5

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The next day, Ryujin is helping Hugo pick grapes while Yeji watched by the pergola with vines shading the space "She's been helping since she could remember" said a voice behind her making her turn.

She saw Aimee with a tray of food and behind her some maids holding other snacks and drinks "Let me help you with that" she smiled and took the tray from the older woman then set it on the table. They sat on the dining area overlooking the vineyard "can I ask a question?"

"Of course, dearie" replied Aimee

"Why did Ryujin want to become a bodyguard? She could've just stayed here" asked Yeji

Aimee smiled "That child is stubborn" she turned to the girl with her grandpa "she wanted to experience life outside so, we let her. She went to the city. Though we give her money, I know she never touched it. So, she took a job" the older woman snickered "She's just like her father"

And with that, Yeji got curious "If you don't mind me asking but where are Ryujin's parents?" she asked then realized she might be asking too much information "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to intrude"

Aimee smiled and placed a hand on the younger woman's hand "Ryujin was still a baby when the accident happened" 

When Yeji heard 'accident' she got worried

"Her father Jaimee was driving and her mother Jihyo sat on the passenger seat. Ryujin and Jackson, her older brother was only ten sat on the back"

The older woman tried to remember the horrific accident. Yeji held to her tighter

"They were on their way back home when a carrier truck lost its break and plunged the car" Aimee paused "They were taken to the nearest hospital, but it was too late" she turned to Ryujin who is now laughing with her husband "The doctors said that it was a miracle that she survived that impact" She turned back to Yeji and smiled

"After that incident, we took care of her" added Aimee "She's the only family member we have left so, please" she squeezed Yeji's hands "take care of her"

Yeji nodded and gave the older woman a hug. Ryujin and Hugo approached them "Did we miss something?" asked the older man

The pair dried their eyes and looked at the other pair standing in front of them. Ryujin turned to Yeji and gave her an 'are you ok?' look.

The other girl just nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. "Why don't we eat?" Aimee invited them, and the duo took their seats on the table. Ryujin sat next to the Yeji

Yeji grabbed a towel and wiped off Ryujin's sweat herself "Look at you, you're all sweaty" she said "After this go take a bath"

The older couple smiled at the interaction "are you sure, you two aren't dating?" Hugo teased

While having lunch, Hugo brought out a bottle of wine and poured out some. Yeji took her glass and took a sip. Her eyes widen "Oh my!" she said making the trio turned to her

"How is it?" Hugo asked

"This is the best wine I've ever tasted" Yeji replied making the older couple smile

"The way our wines are made have been carefully crafted. With the right amount of yeast and fermentation, our wines are top quality" Hugo explained with twinkle in his eyes

"Why don't you commercialize it? I bet people would pay thousands for a bottle" Yeji suggested

Hugo gave her a weak smile "We used to but now we only sell it to private buyers" he explained "With that much demand, we need a lot of people and no one's going to manage it. Aimee and I are too old"

"Maybe we could" Aimee cut in then turned to her grandchild "and let Ryujin manage it" the younger woman turned to the others in the table. Aimee turned to Yeji and placed a hand on hers "why don't you help her, if you want?"

"I'd love to" Yeji replied

Everyone turned to Ryujin again "What?" they waited for her answer.

"Ryujin, you're the only one who knows how to make it" Hugo said

Ryujin sighed "Fine" she replied, and everyone cheered.

That night, Yeji couldn't sleep for some reason so, she decided to go to the balcony to get some air. She's looking at the vineyard when she saw a figure seating under the oak tree. Even that far she knows who that person is.

"Hey" she greeted making the other girl turned

"Miss Hwang" Ryujin replied.

Yeji smiled and sat next to her "How many time do I have to tell you, just call me Yeji"

Ryujin just nodded and they both turned to the peaceful view of the farm

"I have to tell you something" Ryujin turned to her "Aimee told me what your parents" Ryujin's expression changed and looked down her leg "I'm so sorry" said Yeji and placed a hand on Ryujin's back.

Ryujin looked up again and rested her arms on her knees "It's crazy how I can miss someone I've never met. Yes, I met them but, I don't remember anything" she paused "But thanks to my grandparents, I don't miss them that much. They treated me like their own child"

A tear fell down Ryujin's cheeks which she quickly wiped and laughed "I-I'm so sorry. I'm crying. It's so lame"

"No, no Ryujin. It's ok" Yeji replied. This is the first time every that she has seem Ryujin this vulnerable "You're actually lucky because you still have Aimee and Hugo that loves and supports you no matter what happens"

Ryujin nodded "I guess, I am" she said and smiled at the other girl.

Dug, dug, dug, dug. 

She felt her heart beat twice as fast. They didn't notice but they were slowly leaning towards each other. About an inch before their lips touched, Ryujin realized what she's doing and pulled away clearing her throat "Uhm... why don't we go to sleep. It's getting late"

Yeji who was also flushed replied "Uhm... yeah. Ok"

Ryujin walked Yeji to her bedroom " I'll see you in the morning Mi—" Yeji gave her a 'really?' look "Yeji" Ryujin corrected "Good night"

"Good night" Yeji responded and closed the door. With the door between them, they let out a breath

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