Chapter 13

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Monday came and like she always does Ryujin set down a cup of coffee on Yeji's desk. The other girl busy on the phoned looked up and mouthed 'thank you' which Ryujin replied with a wink and went back to the sofa

Finally finished with her conversation, Yeji leaned back on her chair and sighed tiredly "You okay?" Ryujin asked closing her book

"Yeah, just tired. I have a meeting this afternoon with a potential investor and I'm kinda nervous" Yeji replied

"You nervous. The Yeji Hwang nervous? That's new" Ryujin teased. And with that Yeji rolled her eyes with a smile. "You're going to crush it babe. I know you will. You always do" said Ryujin walking towards the girl and stopping in front of her.

Yeji still wearing that smile "Why are you like that? How comes you always know what to say to calm me down?"

Ryujin smiled "Just telling facts" she replied and leaned in.

They were inches apart when they heard a knock. Ryujin quickly back away and opened the door "Miss Hwang's one o'clock is here" said her secretary.

"Bring him in" Yeji said from her chair

"Should I go out?" Ryujin asked

"Uhm. No. It's fine it'll be a quick chat anyways. Then we can go out for dinner maybe?" she teased the last part

A man in his mid-late twenties came in the room wearing a white muscle-fit button-up shirt, denim jeans, and khaki shoes. He has a wide smile on his face as he approached Yeji "Yeji!" he greeted and gave the shorter girl a hug "It's been so long!"

"Yeonjun!" Yeji was surprise seeing her childhood friend "W-what are you doing here?"

"Dad asked me to come because he had an emergency to attend to" Yeonjun replied "Look at you! You look beautiful" he said again and gave her another hug.

Ryujin who was still in the room watched as the two catch up. He noticed the other person in the room "Yeonjunie, this is Ryujin my... girlfriend"

Yeonjun was clearly surprised "girlfriend?!"

"Hi" said Ryujin and shook his hand

He turned to Yeji "I didn't know you swing that way"

"Neither did I" Yeji replied and wrapped her arm on the girl's waist

"Wow! I thought it was just a rumor. Wow! I- I'm happy for you guys" he replied

"Thank you" Yeji replied "W-why don't we get to what you came here for?" said Yeji

"Oh yes, yes. That" Yeonjun replied

"I'll be outside" Ryujin replied and gave Yeji a kiss on the cheek

Once Ryujin was out. The two sat on the sofa "So, she's your girlfriend huh? She's cute" said Yeonjun

"Yeah, she is" Yeji replied

"So, how have you been. Last time I saw you, you were on your way to London. Do you still do modelling?"

"What do you think?" Yeji replied pointing at the pile to paper on her desk

Yeonjun laughed "I guess not"

Meanwhile, Ryujin was making her way down the corridor when she bumped into Jisu and Soobin who were on their way to Yeji "Wow! For the first time every you two aren't together" joked Soobin

"She's in a meeting" Ryujin explained

"With who?" Soobin asked

"Wow! Don't act like you're into business now" Jisu teased

"Shut up. I just wanna know if it's a potential meal" Soobin replied

"You disgust me" Jisu replied

"Is it a he?" Soobin asked



"Uhm. Yeah, I guess"

"What's he's name? I might know him" said Soobin as Jisu shakes her head

"He's name is Yeonjun" Ryujin replied

The pair were in shock "W-what did you say?" Jisu asked

"Yeji's in a meeting"

"No, who is she talking to?" Soobin asked

"Yeonjun Choi?"

"Oh my Gosh!" the pair turned to each other worriedly as Ryujin looked at them confusedly. They turned back to Ryujin "Do you know who Yeonjun is?"

"He's an investor"

"This is bad. They're going to be working more now" said Soobin

"We need to do something about this" said Jisu

"What? What's wrong?" at this point Ryujin is also worried now

"Do you know who Yeonjun is in Yeji's life?" Jisu asked

"No, Yeji never really talked to me about him"

"Yeonjun is Yeji's ultimate crush Ryujin" Soobin replied

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