Chapter 7

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The next day Yeji is inside her office again with Jisu and Soobin "First let's start small. To see if she has something for you" Jisu said

"What do you want me to do?" Yeji asked

"Why don't you act nicer towards her. Give her a compliment" Soobin added

Ryujin is walking towards Yeji's office when she saw the girl walking towards her "Good Morning, Miss Hwang" she greeted

"Good morning" Yeji replied and glanced at her friends hiding not far from them who's signaling her to continue "Uhm. I like your nose... they're very pointy" she said making Jisu and Soobin made a facepalm

Ryujin look at her questioningly and forced a smile "thanks? I guess?" said Ryujin and Yeji ran back to her office followed by the other two. Ryujin held her nose "is my nose that pointy?" she asked herself and shook it off.

"Really, you have a pointy nose? Is that the best compliment you can think of?" Soobin massaged his forehead

"Clearly you need more practice" Jisu added

"Ok, so that was a fail. What do I do?" Yeji asked

The pair thought for a moment "why don't you make her lunch. You can cook right?" Jisu suggested

"Well, yeah. I guess I cook sometimes" Yeji replied

"Great idea. Do you know what her favorite food is?" Soobin asked

"Uhm...her grandma said she's obsessed with buttered shrimp" Yeji replied.

They are currently back in the Hwang estate and Yeji is in the kitchen trying to cook while Ryujin is somewhere.

"What's the temperature needed again?" Yeji asked herself while scrolling through her tablet. She followed the instructions on point "There we go. I hope she likes it"

"You're cooking?" said someone behind her. She turned and saw Ryujin wearing blue denim ripped jeans and a white t-shirt. "Why didn't you just ask one of the cooks to do that for you?"

"No, I wanted to do it. Come seat" Yeji said and plated the prawns

"What is it?" Ryujin asked looking at the plate

"It's buttered shrimp" Yeji replied.

Ryujin turned to the girl then back to the plate "Buttered shrimp, nice" she nodded a couple of times and took a breath in while looking at the 'super buttered shrimp' the dish has a soup like consistency and the butter is overflowing "it's actually my favorite"

"Huh, what a coincidence. Dig in then"

Ryujin don't know whether to use the utensils or with her hands so took another breath in 'I hope I don't die' she thought spooning a spoonful of butter and a piece of shrimp. She ate it and the taste was salty and super garlicy. The shrimp is undercooked because it still has a greying color on it.

She almost gagged but held it in. She forced herself to swallow it. It's a good thing the shrimp is already skinned. "So, how was it?" Yeji asked

Ryujin drank some water before answering "I-it's good" she replied "Uhm. Where did you get the recipe?"

"Online" Yeji replied "Why? You don't like it?"

"Ah... no, no. Uhm. It's just uhm... let's just say I'm not used to that recipe of buttered shrimp" said Ryujin turning to Yeji who looked devastated "Look, uhm. Why don't I teach you my recipe? If you want"

Yeji's face lit up "Ok"

"Really? That's not buttered shrimp that's butter soup" Soobin gave Yeji her phone back after looking at what Yeji cooked for Ryujin

"I tried so hard ok. Why don't you try cooking sometimes? And see how hard it is" Yeji complained.

"I'm dating a chef so ha! In your face bitch!" Soobin replied

"Guys, what am I going to do?" Yeji asked covering her face

"What haven't we done yet?" Jisu asked

"Well, so far she just made fun of her and nearly gave her food poisoning" Soobin mocked

"Ok, ok. Why don't we just go back to basic. Send her some flowers" Jisu suggested

Yeji told Ryujin to go back to her office and just wait there because she has a meeting. So, the girl obeyed and sat on her usual stop on the sofa. Minutes later, someone knocked on the door and Ryujin answered it.

It was a delivery man holding a bouquet of red roses "Sign here please" he said, and Ryujin did so. The guy left with Ryujin feeling confused on where the flowers came from.

She checked for a card and saw a YH written on it. So, she thought the flowers are for Yeji.

Meanwhile, the trio sat in the boardroom "Do you think she got it?" Yeji asked

"Yeah, the tracking said it's been delivered" Jisu replied

"I hope she likes it" Yeji said when they heard someone knock on the door "Come in" Ryujin opened the door

"Uhm...these flowers got delivered for you. It has YH on the card" said Ryujin placing the flowers in front of Yeji

Jisu and Soobin yet again facepalm themselves. Ryujin gave them a smile "I'll go ahead Miss Hwang" she said and left the room

"She's impossible" Jisu commented 

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