Chapter 9

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These couple of days, Ryujin and Yeji got closer. They feel more comfortable with each other that they even joke around each other and sometimes people around the office mistakes them being together.

They are currently back in Yeji's office doing their usual work with Ryujin seating on the sofa reading a book and her boss behind her desk. They heard a knock on the door and they turned to each other.

Ryujin got up to open the door "Can I help you?" she asked the person by the door "Do you need anything from Miss Hwang?"

"Uhm... no" the girl replied shyly "Mr. Hwang asked for you Miss Shin"

"Ryujin? did he say why?" Yeji asked the woman

"He didn't say, ma'am" the girl replied

"What could he possibly want from Ryujin?" Yeji asked

"Mr. Hwang is waiting, miss" the girl said

"I'm coming with" Yeji told them

Ryujin turned to her "No, it's fine. I'm sure it's nothing important. Don't you have a deadline this afternoon? I'll be back" she reassured the other girl

"Ok" Yeji replied simply, and the pair went out.

Ryujin knocked on the door first and Frank told her to come in "You called for me sir?" Ryujin asked.

The older man looked up and rested his hands on his desk looking at Ryujin sternly "Sit" he ordered.

Ryujin obeyed.

Moments passed "What is your relationship with my daughter?" he asked with seriousness in his voice.

Ryujin felt intimidated because she's never seen him like this. He's always 'chill'. "Sir?" she asked

"I'll ask again, and this time answer me truthfully. What is your relationship with my daughter?" he repeated.

"I'm her bodyguard sir" Ryujin replied

"Do you like her?" Ryujin was taken aback. The man leaned on his chair "I've heard rumors around the office" he leaned on his desk again "So, do you like her?"

"S-sir, Y— Miss Hwang and I are just friends" Ryujin confessed

"You didn't answer my question" he told the girl "Do you like my daughter?"

"Uhm..." she cleared her throat "Y-yes sir. As a friend and boss" 

Frank squinted his eyes "Why?"

"Uhm... Sorry. I apologize. I will just be her bo—" Ryujin tried to answer but Frank intervened

"Why aren't you two dating yet?" Mr.Hwang said surprising the younger girl

"Sir?" Ryujin asked confusedly

Mr. Hwang got up from his seat and went around the desk then sat on the chair in front of Ryujin "When I heard that something was between you two, I noticed that she smiles more, and she seemed happier. So, I was very happy because I know you and you would never hurt her" he paused, and his face turned serious again "So now you're telling me you two aren't dating?"

Ryujin still in shock answered "No, sir. Miss Hwang and I are just really good friends"

Mr. Hwang placed a hand on her shoulders "Why? Is there something wrong about her?"

"I-it's not that sir. Don't get me wrong, your daughter is perfect" Ryujin replied

"Then what's stopping you?" Frank asked

"Well, sir. We're just really good friends" Ryujin replied

"Well, whatever your decision is. I respect that. However, if you hurt my princess in anyway, you're dead. Get that, bruh?" he asked

"Y-yes sir" Ryujin replied


"What did he say?" Yeji asked when Ryujin got back

"Nothing important" Ryujin replied

"By the way, we're going to attend my cousins wedding and you're going to be my date" Yeji said

"Why me?"

"Because I said so" her boss replied "Now, go with Yuko to try on some clothes"

"Why can't I just wear these?" Yeji didnt reply but instead glared at her bodyguard "Ok, ok" 

Ryujin didn't have a choice. She stood with the other guests looking at the entourage walk down the aisle.

Then it was Yeji's turn, she wore a burgundy satin off shoulder dress and she's holding a small bouquet of flowers.

Dug, dug, dug, dug. 

There goes her heart again. Ryujin felt her heart beat twice as much and everything around her seemed to blur out and slowed down. The only person she sees is Yeji.

She met the girl's brown eyes and smiled at her. She couldn't help but smile back. When Yeji reached Ryujin, she signaled 'you're drooling' and Ryujin just smiled at her and watched her pass by.

Throughout the wedding they kept glancing at each other and still Ryujin couldn't get her pulse to slow down whenever she sees the girl smile. She met her eyes again 'you look beautiful' she mouthed and the girl by the altar felt her cheeks redden.

After the wedding, Yeji sat next to Ryujin while the other guest waited for the bride to throw her bouquet. They watched a group of women go for it. Laughing an older woman greeted Yeji and they had a small talk "By the way, mimi. This is Ryujin"

"Yeji, why didn't you tell me you're with your gorgeous girlfriend? You know I always knew. I'm so proud of you" the woman said hugging Yeji

"Oh no, mimi. She's not my girlfriend" Yeji corrected her

"Oh" the woman replied "Bummer you two would have been a cute couple" Mimi teased "Well, just to let you know. We're happy for you" she said "But happier if you get a boyfriend" she turned to Ryujin and winked "or girlfriend, already"


"Well, I'll let you enjoy the party with your friend that is a girl" the woman bid goodbye "Nice to meet you Ryujin. Take care of this one yeah? She's a keeper"

"Mimi, stop"

Ryujin smiled "Don't worry ma'am, I will" she replied 

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