Chapter 3

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The next morning, Yeji woke up with a throbbing headache "Here" said someone. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Ryujin holding a tablet and a glass of water.

She took it "What happened last night?" she asked holding unto her head

Ryujin thought for a second and remembered about the kiss "N-nothing, you just got so drunk and passed out"

It's a Saturday meaning no work so, Yeji decided to take a break. She's currently seating by the pool catching some sun while Ryujin washes the car. The person who was supposed to do that has a day-off so, she volunteered to do it.

Yeji involuntarily gulped seeing Ryujin in her casual black jeans matched with a maroon tank top revealing her toned arms. She usually wears her suit so, its rare for Yeji to see her like this. 

Her show was disrupted when her phone went off. She saw Jisu texted her saying 'Girl, spill!'5

Curious Yeji replied, 'What are you talking about?'

'Don't give me that 'what are you talking about?' shit. Girl we saw what you did last night so spill'

'Why? What happened last night'

'Pshh! Gorl don't play innocent. We saw you kiss your hot bodyguard. What happened to 'I don't have time for that?' Huh!'6

Yeji looked back at the girl who was still washing the car 'I don't remember anything from last night. All I know is that I was so drunk and the next thing I know, I was in my bed. Then nothing after that'

'In BED?! Girl was it fun. Did you enjoy?'

'No, it's not like that. I mean I was all fixed up for bed like my clothes were changed and that'

'Ohhh! Yas! She might have changed your clothes for you *wink*'

Yeji made her way towards the other girl who was finishing up "Why don't you tell me what really happened last night" she commanded making Ryujin turn to her

"Like I said. Nothing happened last night. You got drunk, you passed out and I took you home" Ryujin repeated

"Why didn't you tell me I..." Ryujin tilted her head curiously "who changed me yesterday?"

"Is that why you're upset because someone changed you while you were passed out? Just so you know, you were covered in puke and we had to change you. Lola helped me change you into some clean clothes" Ryujin explained. Lola is one of the eldest maids in the house

"Oh. Is that really what happened?" said Yeji with a lower voice this time


"Ok" Yeji replied and went inside the house feeling embarrassed. 'I was drunk, she was just helping me, that's all' she thought

Monday came, and they are back in the office. Like always, Yeji worked on some paper works while Ryujin sat on the side reading a book trying to forget what happened that weekend.

Moments later the door opened and revealed two figures "What's up, bitches?!" Soobin shouted as he and Jisu enter the room making Ryujin stand up from her seat.

"Can you guys enter like normal people?" Yeji told them off

"Oh, hi there" Jisu noticed Ryujin in the room, the other girl politely smiled. She wrapped her hand on Ryujin's arm

"Can you stop flirting with my bodyguard?" said Yeji

Jisu unhooked her arm on the girl "Jealous much? Oh shit. I forgot. She's off limits now. Sorry" she replied. Ryujin looked at the girl questioningly.

"Ryujin, can you leave us for a bit?" Yeji asked. But then noticed that Ryujin isn't going to leave the room unassured she won't escape "Don't worry, I won't jump off the window" she added making the other two looks at her curiously.

Ryujin hesitated at first but exited the room and stood outside. Once she was gone Jisu hugged her friend "Oh my gosh, Yeji. Congratulations, you're finally a woman. I'm so proud of you"

"Here I bought some Champaign to celebrate" said Soobin placing a bottle on the desk

"What are you guys talking about?" Yeji asked

"Joker as always. Anyways, so what are you guys now. Like girlfriends, or dating or still bodyguard with benefits?" Soobin asked

"What?" Yeji asked again

"Girl, you're slow. We mean your relationship with Miss Bodyguard. Are you guys what?" said Jisu

"What?! There is nothing going on between us. And everything you guys saw is just a big misunderstanding. I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing. And after that she just helped me" Yeji explained

"So, nothing happened?" Soobin asked

"Nothing!" Yeji blurted out

"Oh" said Jisu

"But girl. You still kissed her" said Soobin

"I know! But like I said I was drunk"

There was a moment of silence in the room

"How was it?" Jisu asked

"The what?" Yeji asked

"The kiss?"

"I don't know. I don't remember" Yeji explained touching her lips. 'I had my first kiss and I don't even remember what happened and know what it felt like' 

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