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Cale was beyond annoyed at this point. First he has to deal with Choleph and then even before he could even say anything Choi Han just jump straight at him.

Cale was expected this to turn out to be a peaceful dinner but it seem like it was not gonna happen soon.

So before they could cut each other's throats Cale decided to step in as he use 'bind'.

A special bloodline power that he inherited from his late mother. Cale glare at the two crazy bastards that are binded by his threats.

"Shut up you punks." Cale feel like he just had another headache. "Cale!" Then Taylor's worried voice ring inside the dining room.

As Cale felt a handkerchief gently pressed against his nose. As another hand gently tilted his head backward.

He could also feel a warm feeling on his left side. Cale vision was blurry so he didn't see what exactly was happening but he could tell somethings.

Taylor was pressing his nose to stop the blood from coming out. Ron has tilted his head backward.

He didn't know when this scary old man got here but Cale didn't want to know.

Eruhaben was by his left side healing him with his mana. "Haa you unlucky bastard. Didn't I tell you to take a break from using any of your powers."

Eruhaben look at the human in front of him. Cale just close his eyes gently. "If I didn't stop them, it would become much worse than a nosebleed."

Eruhaben look at Cale with a pitying gaze. 'He really is an unlucky bastard. Having deal with all these people.'

Eruhaben though gently. After everyone was done fussing over him Cale look at the two that were currently being binded.

Once Cale look at them Clopeh turn to him with sparkling eyes. "Cale-nim it's so good to see you again.

Such a legend. Cale-nim you do not know how honoured this lowly being is lucky to be able to be confined by the one and only legend."

Cale just sigh loudly. Ron was standing behind Cale much to Cale's dismay. Hans was also standing beside Ron.

Eruhaben was on the other side. Taylor was just finished cleaning him up with Freesia.

Cage, Bud and Glenn were standing up and looking at him worried. Alberu was smiling while looking at him which give Cale chills.

Gashen was just silently drinking water. And everyone else was just looking at Cale or Choi Han and Chlopeh.

Cale sigh. "You punk calm your shitty brain down. What do you think you were doing.

You could've killed us all. Also Clopeh is not an enemy. He is actually my spy inside Arm."

Cale glared at Choi Han for a moment before turning to Clopeh

"And Clopeh what do you think you are doing ignoring my orders. Do you want to die."

Clopeh shake his head violently. "Cale-nim I would never. I promise I didn't intended to. How could someone like me could ever defy the young master."

Then Cale sigh one last time before putting the two down. "Now no fighting."

The rest of the dinner went smoothly after that. That is until Genshen started to speak after the meal.

"Young master Cale, nature has spoken to me." Cale nodded. "What does it say."

"It said 'fate.'" Cale think of a moment before he nodded. "Cale-nim!" Cage suddenly shouting.

Everyone turn to her then she put on a awkward expression. "Sorry about that. The god of death has respond to me. He said 'fate.'"

Cale was staring to get suspious. Then a mage in black clothes came running.

"Young master there's is a call from the elves and the church of the sun god."

Cale think for a second. "Contact the elves first." Cale said as he make himself look presentable.

Alberu was surprise by this bastard. 'He even know the elves?' Everyone has the same type thoughts but decided to not asked.

Then the communication device connected as an elf appear on the screen.

-It's good to see you again young master.

Adite said as she smile. "What is the problem?"

-The world tree has spoke. It said 'fate'

'Fate again?' Everyone in the room except for Cale thinks.

Meanwhile Cale has a smile on his face that seem to grow bigger everytime.

"Thank you Adite-nim." Cale said as he lower his head. Adite did the same thing.

-Then I will leave you to it. Young master.

Cale just nodded. After the call end. Cale turn to the previous mage. "Connect the twins."

Then they connected to the other side successfully. Jack's face appear front the screen.

"Hello Jack-nim." Cale greeted.

-Young master I call you today because the sun god has spoken. She said 'fate'.

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